:eq()    ** DEPRECATED **S2C Home « Selectors « :eq()

Equals index selector.

Shorthand version $(':eq(index)')


The :eq() selector, selects the element at index n within the matched set.

  • Like all the positional selectors :eq() uses a zero-based index to select from previously filtered elements.
  • Being a jQuery extension the :eq() pseudo selector is not part of any current CSS specification. Therefore :eq() cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM querySelectorAll() method.
  • The same results can be achieved with better performance using the eq() method with a valid CSS selector, for example $("cssSelector").eq(index).

This method was deprecated in jQuery 3.4.


Signature Description
jQuery(':eq(index)')Index equals match
jQuery(':eq(-index)')Index equals match navigating backwards from end of matched set


Parameter Description
indexAn integer indicating the 0-based position of the element.
-indexAn integer indicating the position of the element, counting backwards from the last element in the set.



:eq() ExampleTop

Selects the element at index n within the matched set.

In the example below when we press the left button we apply an orange background to the 2nd table row (notice that index is 1).

When we press the left button we apply an teal background to the 2nd table row from the end (notice that index is -2).

Table For Testing Positional Selectors
Table Row 1, Table Data 1 Table Row 1, Table Data 2
Table Row 2, Table Data 1 Table Row 2, Table Data 2
Table Row 3, Table Data 1 Table Row 3, Table Data 2
Table Row 4, Table Data 1 Table Row 4, Table Data 2

  $('#btn11').on('click', function() {
    $('.testtable tr:eq(1)').css('backgroundColor', 'orange');
  $('#btn11b').on('click', function() {
    $('.testtable tr:eq(-2)').css('backgroundColor', 'teal');

Press the button below to action the above code:


jQuery 3.5 Basics

jQuery 3.5 Intermediate

jQuery 3.5 Advanced

jQuery 3.5 Reference

API by Function

API Alphabetically


Attributes & Properties

Core & Internals

DOM Element Methods








Attribute Contains Prefix Selector

Attribute Contains Selector

Attribute Contains Word Selector

Attribute Ends With Selector

Attribute Equals Selector

Attribute Not Equal Selector

Attribute Starts With Selector

Has Attribute Selector

Multiple Attribute Selector


All Selector ('*')

Class Selector ('.class')

Element Selector

ID Selector ('#id')

Multiple Selector

Basic Filter

:animated Selector

:eq() Selector

:even Selector

:first Selector

:gt() Selector

:header Selector

:lang Selector

:last Selector

:lt() Selector

:not() Selector

:odd Selector

:root Selector

:target Selector

Child Filter

:first-child Selector

:first-of-type Selector

:last-child Selector

:last-of-type Selector

:nth-child() Selector

:nth-last-child() Selector

:nth-last-of-type() Selector

:nth-of-type() Selector

:only-child Selector

:only-of-type Selector

Content Filter

:contains() Selector

:empty Selector

:has Selector

:parent Selector


:button Selector

:checkbox Selector

:checked Selector

:disabled Selector

:enabled Selector

:file Selector

:focus Selector

:image Selector

:input Selector

:password Selector

:radio Selector

:reset Selector

:selected Selector

:submit Selector

:text Selector


Child Selector

Descendant Selector

Next Adjacent Selector

Next Siblings Selector

Visibility Filter

:hidden Selector

:visible Selector

