Inheritance - Concepts QuizS2C Home « Inheritance - Concepts Quiz

OO Concepts Quiz 6

The quiz below tests your knowledge of the material learnt in OO Concepts - Lesson 6 - Inheritance - Concepts.

Question 1 : What can we check for using the HAS-A test?
- We can check for instance variables using the <code>HAS-A</code> test.
Question 2 : We need to worry about unmatched reference types when using inheritance method invocation?
- We DO NOT need to worry about unmatched reference types when using inheritance method invocation as the compiler has alredy ensured that a method is callable for a specific reference type, regardless of where it is in the inheritance tree.
Question 3 : What are HAS-A relationships based on?
- The <code>HAS-A</code> relationship is based on compostion.
Question 4 : The HAS-A test works up the inheritance tree?
- The <code>HAS-A</code> relationshop works on composition not inheritance.
Question 5 : What are IS-A relationships based on?
- The <code>IS-A</code> relationship is based on inheritance.
Question 6 : The IS-A test works down the inheritance tree?
- The <code>IS-A</code> works UP the inheritance tree.
Question 7 : A superclass knows nothing of the members in the subclasses below it?
- A superclass knows nothing of the members in the subclasses below it.
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What's Next?

In the next quiz we test your knowledge of using the super keyword to access our superclasses.