Finding & Matching QuizS2C Home « Finding & Matching Quiz

The questions in this quiz on Java are on the topics covered in the Streams section of the site. The table below lists the lesson used for each quiz, a description of the lesson content and the quiz number and questions associated with that lesson.

Lesson Summary

Click on a lesson in the table to go to that lesson for a refresher on the topics for that quiz.

Click on a quiz in the table to go straight to the quiz for a particular lesson.

Generics Lessons Description Quiz Info.
Lesson 1 - Introducing StreamsIn our first lesson on on Streams we test your knowledge of the topics covered in the Introducing Streams lesson.Quiz1
9 questions
Lesson 2 - Stream PipelinesIn this lesson on streams we look at stream pipelines and how they work.Quiz2
9 questions
Lesson 3 - Stream Operations OverviewIn this lesson on streams we present an overview of the intermediate and terminal operations available.Quiz3
9 questions
Lesson 4 - Array Type StreamsIn this streams lesson we look at the various ways of creating streams from arrays.Quiz4
8 questions
Lesson 5 - Numeric StreamsIn this lesson on streams we look at numeric streams and the operations associated with them.Quiz5
7 questions
Lesson 6 - Other Stream CreationIn this lesson we take a final look at stream creation by creating streams from files, functions and iterations and also find out about creating infinite streams.Quiz6
9 questions
Lesson 7 - Finding & MatchingIn this streams lesson we look at the various ways of finding and matching values within our streams.This quiz.
9 questions
Lesson 8 - Reduction OperationsIn this streams lesson we look at reduction operations and how to use them.Quiz8
7 questions
Lesson 9 - Stream CollectorsIn this lesson we take a high level look at stream collectors by investigating the Collector<T,A,R> interface and the Collectors class implementation of it.Quiz9
8 questions
Lesson 10 - Collecting & Aggregating StreamsIn this lesson we look at how to create collections and aggregations from our streams.Quiz9
8 questions
Lesson 11 - Grouping & Partitioning StreamsThis lesson on streams is all about grouping & partitioning our streams.Quiz11
9 questions
Lesson 12 - Parallel StreamsThis lesson is all about parallel streams.Quiz12
8 questions

Streams Quiz 7

The quiz below tests your knowledge of the material learnt in Streams - Lesson 7 - Finding & Matching.

Question 1 : Which of these methods returns null when the stream is empty?
- The <code>findAny()</code> and <code>findNone()</code> methods both return an <code>Optional</code>Optional object not a <code>null</code>.
Question 2 : Using the findFirst() method on a stream created from a list does not guarantees that the first element found will be the first in order?
- Using the <code>findFirst()</code> method on a stream created from a list DOES guarantee that the first element found will be the first in order as streams respect ordering.
Question 3 : What would be printed from the following code snippet if no employess were over 71?
Optional age = Employee.listOfStaff().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getAge() > 71)
- There are no finds for the <code>findFirst()</code> method so the code snippet would print <code>Optional.empty</code>.
Question 4 : The matching terminal operators return an Optional?
- The matching terminal operators return a <code>boolean</code> not an <code>Optional</code>.
Question 5 : Which of these methods returns a boolean?
- The <code>anyMatch()</code> method returns a <code>boolean</code>.
Question 6 : The finding terminal operators return an Optional?
- The finding terminal operators DO return an <code>Optional</code>.
Question 7 : What would be printed from the following code snippet if no employess were over 70?
.anyMatch(e -> e.getAge() > 70));
- There are no matches for the <code>anyMatch()</code> method so the code snippet would print <code>false</code>.
Question 8 : The matching terminal operators return a boolean?
- The matching terminal operators DO return a <code>boolean</code>.
Question 9 : What would be printed from the following code snippet if no employess were over 70?
.noneMatch(e -> e.getAge() > 70));
- There are no matches for the <code>noneMatch()</code> method so the code snippet would print <code>true</code>.
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What's Next?

In the next quiz we test your knowledge of stream reduction operations.