arguments function scope variableS2C Home « Statements « arguments

Array-like object.


The arguments object is a function scope variable that holds a list of the arguments passed to the function.

  • The arguments object is only available within a function and will return an error if used outside the function body.
  • The arguments object can be accessd in the same way as an array but no array like-methods are avaialable to it except length.
  • The arguments object can be be modfied using a zero based index.


Signature Description
arguments[argsInd]The arguments object is a function scope variable that holds a list of the arguments passed to the function.


Parameter Description
argsIndOptional zero based index for argument retrieval/modification.


The code below gives examples of using the arguments statement.

 / Create a function statement that takes an argument,
 / modifes the argument within the function and 
 / returns the square of the modified argument.
function squareNumber(a) {
  alert(arguments[0] + ' argument before modification';)
  alert(arguments.length + ' number of arguments';)
  arguments[0] *= 2;
  alert(arguments[0] + ' argument after modification';)
  return a * a;

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