JavaScript Entities At A GlanceS2C Home « JavaScript Entities At A Glance
Click a JavaScript entity in the table below to see in-depth information on it.
Array | Boolean | Date |
decodeURI() | decodeURIComponent() |
encodeURI() | encodeURIComponent() |
Error | eval() (unsafe) | Function |
Infinity | isFinite() | isNaN() |
Math | NaN | Number |
Object | parseFloat() |
parseInt() | RangeError |
ReferenceError | RegExp |
String | TypeError |
undefined | URIError |
arguments | break |
case | catch |
continue | debugger |
default |
do |
else | finally |
for | function |
if | label |
return | switch |
throw | try |
var | while |
with (avoid) |