Dates, Numbers & CurrenciesS2C Home « Dates, Numbers & Currencies

In this lesson we look at the Date, Calendar, Locale, DateFormat and NumberFormat classes that allow us to create and manipulate dates, times, numbers and currencies for different regions of the world. The table below gives a brief description of each class that we will be using in this lesson:

Class Description
java.util.DateThe Date class allows us to create an object that represents a specific instant in time.
java.util.CalendarThe Calendar class allows us get an instance of a Calendar object which we can use to convert and manipulate dates and times.
java.util.LocaleThe Locale class allows us to create an object that represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region of the world. We can then use the Locale object in conjunction with the DateFormat or NumberFormat classes to get locale specific dates, times, numbers and currencies for that locale.
java.text.DateFormatThe DateFormat class provides us with methods to format dates in various styles and for different locales.
java.text.NumberFormatThe NumberFormat class provides us with methods to format numbers and currencies for different locales

The java.util.Date ClassTop

The java.util.Date Class represents a specific instant in time that gives us millisecond precision. The Date class is intended to reflect an internationally standardized Computer Date and Time which starts from 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC (Universal Time Coordinated). Date object creation using the long argument is meant to reflect dates in milliseconds strarting from this date. Looking at the official documentation for the java.util.Date Class we can see there is one other non-deprecated Date constructor that creates a Date object that represents a date and time when the the object was allocated to the nearest millisecond.

A lot of the methods in the Date class were deprecated from the language in the JDK 1.1 release as the Date class didn't do a very good job of handling internationalisation and localisation. The java.util.Calendar was introduced into the language in the JDK 1.1 release to replace the Date class for easier date manipulation, internationalisation and localisation and we will look at this class in the next part of this lesson.

The Date object still serves some purpose though:

  • It's an easy way to get the current date and time if you don't want to do a lot of manipulation, localise or internationalise the date and time.
  • Good for getting a universal time not affected by time zones.
  • Can be useful for simple date comparisons.
  • The DateFormat class needs a Date object for some of its formatting methods. So a Date object can act a bridge between date manipulation in the Calendar class and formatting of the manipulated date in the DateFormat class.

The table below shows the non-deprecated constructors, manipulation and comparison methods in the java.util.Date class:

Constructor/ Method Declaration Description
public date()Allocates and initialize a Date object that represents the time at which it was allocated, to millisecond precision.
public Date(long date)Allocates and initialize a Date object that represents the specified number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
Date Maipulation Methods
public long getTime()Returns number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC represented by this Date object.
public void setTime(long time)Set this Date object to represent a point in time since 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
Comparison Methods
public boolean after(Date date)Returns true if invoking Date object is later chronlogically that that represented by the argument Date object named date or false otherwise.
public boolean before(Date date)Returns true if invoking Date object is earlier chronlogically that that represented by the argument Date object named date.
public equals(Object object)Returns true if invoking Date object is equal to argument Date object or false otherwise.
public compareTo(Date date)Returns a negative integer, 0 or a positive integer if invoking Date object less than, equal to or greater than argument Date object respectively.

Date ExampleTop

Time to look at an example of using the class:

  Create some dates and compare and manipulate them
import java.util.Date; // Import the Date class from java.util package

class TestDate {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date date1 = new Date(); 
        Date date2 = new Date(99999999999L);
        Date date3 = new Date(999999999999L);
        System.out.println("Our first date is: " + date1);
        System.out.println("Our second date is: " + date2);
        System.out.println("Our third date is: " + date3);
        if (date1.after(date2)) {
           System.out.println("Our first date is after our second date.");
        if (date2.before(date3)) {
           System.out.println("Our second date is before our third date.");
        date2.setTime(date2.getTime() + 999999999999L);
        System.out.println("Our second date has been changed to: " + date2);
        if (date2.before(date3)) {
           System.out.println("Our second date is before our third date.");

Save, compile and run the file in directory   c:\_APIContents2 in the usual way.

run test date

The above screenshot shows the output of compiling and running the TestDate class in the UK locale (default for me). We create compare and manipulate some dates and print some messages to the console.

java.util.Calendar ClassTop

As you saw above we can manipulate Date objects using the getTime() and setTime() methods, but this is a cumbersome way to manipualte dates. The java.util.Calendar class is an easier way to manipulate dates and offers a lot of methods to do it. On inspection of the official documentation for the Calendar class we can see it is abstract and so cannot be instantiated directly. To get instances of the Calendar class we have to use one of the overloaded getInstance static factory methods.

We will just look at a few of the methods and fields used by the Calendar class in this lesson. The main aim of the example is to show the versatility of the class and how we can convert from Date objects to Calendar objects and vice versa.

The table below shows the methods used in our example but there are many more:

Method Declaration Description
Get Instance Method
public static Calendar getInstance()Gets a Calendar instance using default time zone and locale.
Date Maipulation Methods
public abstract void add(int field, int amount)Adds or subtracts amount of time to specified calendar field, based on the calendar's rules
public void roll(int field, int amount)Adds specified (signed) amount of time to specified calendar field but doesn't increment larger parts of a date than the part being modified.
Date Conversion Method
public final Date getTime()Return Date object representing this Calendar time value.
public final void setTime(Date date)Sets this Calendar time value from the given Date object.

Calendar ExampleTop

Time to look at an example of using the class and a few of its methods:

  Create some dates and convert to calendar and back
import java.util.Date; // Import the Date class from java.util package
import java.util.Calendar; // Import the Calendar class from java.util package
import static java.util.Calendar.*; // Static import of constants

class TestCalendar {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date date1 = new Date(99999999999L); 
        System.out.println("Our date is: " + date1);
        // Get Calendar instances from static factory method
        Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal1.setTime(date1); // Set calendar from date
        System.out.println("Our cal1 month is: " + cal1.get(Calendar.MONTH));
        System.out.println("Our cal1 year is: " + cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR));
        System.out.println("Our cal2 month is: " + cal2.get(Calendar.MONTH));
        System.out.println("Our cal2 year is: " + cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR));
        cal1.add(MONTH, 21); // No need to qualify due to static imports
        date1 = cal1.getTime(); // Set date from calendar 
        System.out.println("Our date is: " + date1);
        cal2.roll(Calendar.MONTH, -21);
        date1 = cal2.getTime();
        System.out.println("Our date is: " + date1);

Save, compile and run the file in directory   c:\_APIContents2 in the usual way.

run test calendar

The above screenshot shows the output of compiling and running the TestCalendar class in the UK locale. We use a static import to get all Calendar class constants, but we still qualify most of those used so you can see the long form. We create a date instance and convert it to a calendar instance. We also get another calendar instance and print off the year and month for both calendar instances using some constants from the Calendar class. We then use the add() and roll() date manipulation methods from the Calendar class. We convert both calendar instances to date isntances and printr off the results off the manipulations. The roll() method doesn't increment larger parts of a date than the part being modified, when doing manipulation like the add() method does. This is the reason why the year doesnt change when we roll the month back by 25 months. For full details of this and the rest of the methods in the Calendar class look at the official documentation.

java.util.Locale ClassTop

The Locale class allows us to create an object that represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region of the world. We can then use the Locale object in conjunction with the DateFormat or NumberFormat classes to get locale specific dates, times, numbers and currencies for that locale.

Operations that require specific locale information to perform tasks are known as locale-sensitive and as such use a Locale object to tailor user information accordingly. As examples, this could include the way dates are displayed, the way numbers are formatted or the way currencies are viewed.

So once we set a specific locale we can use this object in conjunction with the DateFormat or NumberFormat classes to format locale-sensitive data for our users. In this way we can handle internationalisation and localisation when we want it, or do nothing and automatically use a default locale otherwise.

The table below shows the methods used in our example but there are many more:

Method Declaration Description
Class Method
public static Locale getAvailableLocales()Returns array of all installed locales.
Instance Methods
public final String getDisplayCountry()Returns name for country locale that is appropriate for display to the user.
public final String getDisplayLanguage()Returns name for language locale that is appropriate for display to the user.

Locale ExampleTop

Time to look at an example of using the class and a few of its methods:

  Get some locales and display them
import java.util.Locale; // Import Locale Date class from java.util package

class TestLocale {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Locale[] allLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); 
        int i = 0; 
        for(Locale locale : allLocales) {
            System.out.println("Country: " + locale.getDisplayCountry());
            System.out.println("Language: " + locale.getDisplayLanguage());
            if (i > 3) break;

Save, compile and run the file in directory   c:\_APIContents2 in the usual way.

run test calendar

The above screenshot shows the output of compiling and running the TestLocale class in the UK locale (default for me). We just print off some values from available locales. The real power of locales is when you use them with dates, number and currencies which we will look at next.

java.util.DateFormat ClassTop

The DateFormat class allows us to, not suprisingly to get formatted dates and times as well as parsing dates and times in a language-independent manner. On inspection of the official documentation for the DateFormat class we can see it is abstract and so cannot be instantiated directly. To get instances of the DateFormat class we have to use one of the overloaded static factory methods available and we can also pass options to the constructor to return dates and times with different levels of detail.

The table below just shows the formats we can pass to the static factory methods of the DateFormat class and the methods from the class used in our example:

Method Declaration Description
Date Format Style
SHORTCompletely numeric representation for a date or time.
MEDIUMA longer representation than SHORT.
LONGA longer representation than MEDIUM.
FULLLongest representation for a date or time.
Get Instance Method
public static final DateFormat getDateInstance(int style)Get date format with specified format style, default locale.
public static final DateFormat getTimeInstance(int style)Get time format with specified format style, default locale.

DateFormat ExampleTop

Time to look at an example of using the class and a few of its methods:

  Create a date and use formatter to display it
import java.util.Date; // Import the Date class from java.util package
import java.text.DateFormat; // Import the DateFormat class from java.text package
import static java.text.DateFormat.*; // Static import of DateFormat constants

class TestDateFormat {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date now = new Date(); 
        System.out.println("Date is: " + now);
        DateFormat dfm = null; 
        int[] styles = {SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG, FULL}; 
        String[] stylesDesc = {"SHORT", "MEDIUM", "LONG", "FULL"};
         // Output current date in various forms for default locale 
        for(int i=0; i<styles.length; i++) {
            dfm = DateFormat.getDateInstance(styles[i]);
            System.out.println("style Desc: " + stylesDesc[i] + " is " + dfm.format(now));
            dfm = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(styles[i]);
            System.out.println("style Desc: " + stylesDesc[i] + " is " + dfm.format(now));

Save, compile and run the file in directory   c:\_APIContents2 in the usual way.

run test dateformat

The above screenshot shows the output of compiling and running the TestDateFormat class in the UK locale (default for me). We just print off different styles for date and time for the current instant in time.

java.util.NumberFormat ClassTop

The NumberFormat class allows us to get formatted number as well as parsing numbers for any locale. On inspection of the official documentation for the NumberFormat class we can see it is abstract and so cannot be instantiated directly. To get instances of the NumberFormat class we have to use one of the overloaded static factory methods available and we can also pass options to the constructor to return formatted numbers or currencies.

The table below just shows the formats we can pass to the static factory methods of the NumberFormat class and the methods from the class used in our example:

Method Declaration Description
Get Instance Method
public static final NumberFormat getInstance()Get general purpose number format, default locale.
public static final NumberFormat getCurrencyInstance()Get currency format, default locale.
Other Methods
public void setMaximumIntegerDigits(int newValue)Sets maximum number of digits allowed in the integer portion of a number.
public void setMaximumFractionDigits(int newValue)Sets maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of a number.

NumberFormat ExampleTop

Time to look at an example of using the class and a few of its methods:

  Create a number and use formatter to display it
import java.text.NumberFormat; // Import the NumberFormat class from java.text package
import static java.text.NumberFormat.*; // Static import of NumberFormat constants

class TestNumberFormat {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double d = 5678.5678; 
        System.out.println("double is: " + d);
        NumberFormat nfm = null; 
        // Output number in various forms for default locale 
        nfm = NumberFormat.getInstance();
        System.out.println("Formatted as number: " + nfm.format(d));
        // Set integer and fraction digits and reprint 
        System.out.println("Formatted as number with max 2 digits for int/frac: " + nfm.format(d));
        nfm = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
        System.out.println("Formatted as currency: " + nfm.format(d));

Save, compile and run the file in directory   c:\_APIContents2 in the usual way.

run test numberformat

The above screenshot shows the output of compiling and running the TestNumberFormat class in the UK locale (default for me). We just print off number and then again with 2 digits for integer and fraction and finally currency.

Locale-sensitive Dates & NumbersTop

So far in this lesson we have looked at the Date and Calendar classes we can use to get and manipulate and dates and times. We then took a brief look at how we can use different locales and how the Locale class holds language and country information for internationalisation. After this we investigated formatting of dates using the DateFormal class and how we can pass different styles to the static factory methods to egt different sorts of descriptions about dates and times. We finally looked at the NumberFormat class to see how we can format numbers and currencies.

In this final part of the lesson we look at using all these different classes together and see how we can use different locales with our dates and formatting classes to truly internationalise our output data.

Locale-sensitive ExampleTop

Time to look at an example of using different locales on dates and numbers:

  Create locale specific dates and numbers
import java.util.Date; // Import the Date class from java.util package
import java.util.Locale; // Import the Locale class from java.util package
import static java.util.Locale.*; // Static import of Locale constants
import java.text.DateFormat; // Import the DateFormat class from java.text package
import static java.text.DateFormat.*; // Static import of DateFormat constants
import java.text.NumberFormat; // Import the NumberFormat class from java.text package
import static java.text.NumberFormat.*; // Static import of NumberFormat constants

class TestDifferentLocales {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Date now = new Date(); 
        double d = 5678.5678; 
        System.out.println("Date is: " + now);
        DateFormat dfm = null; 
        NumberFormat nfm = null; 
        Locale[] locales = {UK, FRANCE, GERMANY, ITALY, US}; 
        int[] styles = {SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG, FULL}; 
        String[] stylesDesc = {"SHORT", "MEDIUM", "LONG", "FULL"};
        // Output current date and a number in various forms for different locale 
        for(Locale locale : locales) {
            System.out.println("Formatted displays for country: " + locale.getDisplayCountry());
            nfm = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);
            System.out.print("Formatted number: " + nfm.format(d));
            nfm = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
            System.out.println(". Formatted currency: " + nfm.format(d));
            // Output different styles for this locale 
            for(int i=0; i<styles.length; i++) {
                dfm = DateFormat.getDateInstance(styles[i], locale);
                System.out.print("Style Desc: " + stylesDesc[i] + ": Date is: " + dfm.format(now));
                dfm = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(styles[i], locale);
                System.out.println(". Time is: " + dfm.format(now));

Save, compile and run the file in directory   c:\_APIContents2 in the usual way.

run test locale sensitive

The above screenshot shows the output of compiling and running the TestDifferentLocales class in the UK locale (default for me). We print off formatted dates and numbers for different locales and styles.

Lesson 7 Complete

In this lesson we looked at the Date, Calendar, Locale, DateFormat and NumberFormat classes that allow us to create and manipulate dates, times, numbers and currencies for different regions of the world.

What's Next?

In the next lesson we look at regular expressions and how we can use regular expression patterns for matching data.

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