Generic MethodsS2C Home « Generic Methods
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We have seen several examples of generic methods so far in this lesson and these were all contained within generic classes. It is also possible to have generic methods inside non-generic classes.
Following is a non-generic class that contains a generic method. Two things of note are generic methods can be static or non-static and notice where we declare the bounded type. When declaring a generic method in a non-generic class then we have to declare the generic type before the return type within the method:
package com.server2client;
Non-generic class containing a generic method
public class SquareNumber {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Call generic method with a Double
Double d = 12.12;
// Call generic method with an Integer
Integer i = 11;
// Call generic method with a String
String s = "generics";
Method to print square of integer
public static <T extends Number> void genMethod (T number) { // Generic type declared before return type
System.out.println("Input squared as integer = " + number.intValue() * number.intValue());
Building the SquareNumber
class produces the following output:

class.The build failed as expected as the String
object does not extend the Number
Remove the comment and last 2 lines of code from the main()
method of the SquareNumber
class as shown below.
package com.server2client;
Non-generic class containing a generic method
public class SquareNumber {
public static void main (String[] args) {
// Call generic method with a Double
Double d = 12.12;
// Call generic method with an Integer
Integer i = 11;
Method to print square of integer
public static <T extends Number> void genMethod (T number) { // Generic type declared before return type
System.out.println("Input squared as integer = " + number.intValue() * number.intValue());
Running the amended SquareNumber
class produces the following output:

class.As the screenshot shows the method now works fine and will only accept Number
objects and subclasses thereof.
Related Quiz
Generics Quiz 9 - Generic Methods Quiz
Lesson 9 Complete
In this lesson we looked at generic methods and how to use them.
What's Next?
In the next lesson we look at generic constructors.