Constructor Basics QuizS2C Home « Constructor Basics Quiz

Java Objects & Classes Quiz 10

The quiz below tests your knowledge of the material learnt in Objects & Classes - Lesson 10 - Constructor Basics.

Question 1 : How many arguments in a default constructor?
- The default constructor has no arguments.
Question 2 : What differentiates a constructor and a method?
- Constructors have no return type.
Question 3 : The compiler always provides a default constructor?
- The compiler only provides a default constructor when no other constructors are present.
Question 4 : Apart from instantiation what are constructors used for?
- Apart from instantiation constructors are used for initialising object state.
Question 5 : We can name constructors whatever we like as long as we follow naming conventions?
- Constructors must be named after the class they reside in.
Question 6 : Constructors run when a class is loaded?
- A constructor runs when we code the <code>new</code> keyword followed by a class name.
Question 7 : We can provide our own default constructor?
- We CAN provide our own default constructor if we so choose
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What's Next?

in the next quiz we test your knowledge of constructor overloading and using the this keyword.