HTML <basefont> tag ** REMOVED HTML** S2C Home   « HTML <basefont> tag


The <basefont> tag was used as a self closing tag used for specifying font, font size and font for the entire HTML document and was deprecated in HTML and removed in HTML.

The CSS font property allows you to set the above values as well as others with more control, so use that instead.


<basefont face="arial">

Required Attributes


Optional Attributes

color - this attribute is deprecated, use CSS instead.

face - this attribute is deprecated, use CSS instead.

size - this attribute is deprecated, use CSS instead.

Event Attributes






onkeydown - The JavaScript code to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is pressed.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onkeydown="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onkeypress - The JavaScript code to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is pressed down and released.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onkeypress="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onkeyup - The JavaScript code to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is released.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onkeyup="go()">Some text here</acronym>


onclick - The JavaScript code to be run when a mouse is clicked on the element.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onclick="go()">Some text here</acronym>

ondblclick - The JavaScript code to be run when a mouse is double clicked on the element.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym ondblclick="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onmousedown - The JavaScript code to be run when the mouse button is pressed down while the cursor is over the element.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onmousedown="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onmousemove - The JavaScript code to be run when the mouse button is moved.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onmousemove="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onmouseout - The JavaScript code to be run when the mouse cursor moves off an element.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onmouseout="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onmouseover - The JavaScript code to be run when the mouse cursor moves over an element.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onmouseover="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onmouseup - The JavaScript code to be run when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over the element.

<!-- Executes the go() function -->
<acronym onmouseup="go()">Some text here</acronym>

onwheel - The JavaScript code to be run when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element.

<wbr onwheel="go()">   <!-- Executes the go() function -->

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