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Click on a Tag Name to see the reference for that HTML5 Tag.

Click on an Associated Lesson to see how the HTML5 Tag is used.

Tags with a light blue background are new in HTML5.

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HTML Tags at a Glance

HTML Tags in Function Order

Tag Reference In Alphabetical Order
Tag Name Description Function Associated Lesson
<!--...--> Allows us to put explanatory comments into our code. Comments HTML Structure - Document
<!DOCTYPE> Tells browser which version of HTML/XHTML we're using in our HTML. Structure HTML Structure - Document
<a> Used to define an anchor for links and hyperlinks. Links HTML Links
<abbr> Used to define an abbreviation in our HTML code. Formatting HTML Formatting
<address> Used to define an address in our HTML code. Formatting HTML Formatting
<area> Defines clickable areas of a client-side image. Image Maps Image Maps
<article> Self contained content that could be displayed independently. Structure HTML Structure - Page
<aside> Content considered separate, although related to content around it. Structure HTML Structure - Page
<audio> Used to embed audio content into a HTML document. Media Audio & Video
<b> Used for making bold text. Text HTML Text Tags
<base> Used to define a base URL for the links on a page. Links More About Links
<bdi> Used for isolating text that might render in an unwanted direction. Language Language Tags
<bdo> Defines a birectional override for some text. Language Language Tags
<blockquote> Used to define long quotations in our HTML code. Text HTML Text Tags
<body> Specifies the document body element of a HTML document. Structure HTML Structure - Document
<br> Used to define a line break in our HTML code. Formatting HTML Formatting
<button> Defines a clickable button in our HTML code. Forms HTML Forms
<canvas> Used for isolating text that might render in an unwanted direction. Graphics HTML Graphics & Visuals
<caption> Specifies a name for the table element in question. Tables HTML Tables
<cite> Used to define a citation in our HTML code. Text HTML Text Tags
<code> Used to define text that looks like computer code. Text More Text Tags
<col> Used to specify criteria for a table column. Tables HTML Tables
<colgroup> Used to specify criteria for a group of columns. Tables HTML Tables
<data> Show human-readable content along with a value that is machine-readable. Miscellaneous Widgets / Miscellaneous
<datalist> List of pre-defined elements for input tag allowing an autocomplete feature. Forms HTML Forms
<dd> Define a definition description, of the definition term, in a definition list. Lists Definition Lists
<del> Used to define editorial deletions in some text. Semantics Further Into Semantics
<details> Specifies additional information the user can open or close interactively. Miscellaneous Widgets / Miscellaneous
<dfn> Used to define a definition term in our HTML code. Formatting HTML Formatting
<dialog> Tag the user can interact with. Formatting Widgets / Miscellaneous
<div> Used to group blocks of HTML together for styling with CSS. Structure HTML Structure - Layout
<dl> Used to define a definition list in our HTML code. Lists Definition Lists
<dt> Used to define a definition term within a definition list Lists Definition Lists
<em> Used to define text to be emphasised in our HTML code. Semantics HTML Inline Semantics
<embed> Used for embedding an external application or interactive content into a HTML document. Embedding HTML Embedding
<fieldset> Used for grouping form elements together. Forms HTML Forms
<figcaption> Provide a caption when using the figure HTML tag. Images Image Flexibility
<figure> Specifies self-contained content such as images, diagrams, photos etc. Images Image Flexibility
<footer> Self-contained content such as images, diagrams, photos etc. Structure HTML Structure - Layout
<form> Defines a form for user input. Forms HTML Forms
<h1> - <h6> Used to define the six HTML headings for use in our HTML code. Semantics HTML Inline Semantics
<head> Specifies the document head element of a HTML document. Structure HTML Structure - Document
<header> Defines introductory content for its nearest sectioning ancestor content tag. Structure HTML Structure - Layout
<hr> Used to define a horizontal rule in our HTML code. Formatting HTML Formatting
<html> Specifies the document root element of a HTML document. Structure HTML Structure - Document
<i> Used for defining a change of mood or alternate voice in text. Semantics HTML Inline Semantics
<iframe> Define an inline window that holds another document. Inline Frame Inline Frames
<img> Create an area on the page to hold the referenced image. Images Images
<input> Used to define an area of a form for user input. Forms HTML Forms
<ins> Used to define editorial insertions in our text. Semantics Further Into Semantics
<kbd> Used to define Keyboard Text in our HTML code. Text More Text Tags
<label> Label for an input, select or textarea element of a form. Forms HTML Forms
<legend> Used for defining a title for a fieldset element. Forms HTML Forms
<li> used to define a list item in an an ordered or unordered list. Lists HTML Lists
<link> Link to external resource such as an image or stylesheet from a file. Styling MetaData
<main> Used to defines the main content area within a HTML document. Structure HTML Structure - Layout
<map> Define a client-side image map that has clickable areas. Image Maps Image Maps
<mark> Used for defining text to be marked or highlighted. Semantics Further Into Semantics
<meta> Allows us to send metadata about the data within our HTML document. Meta MetaData
<meter> Define a scalar measurement with a finite range, or a fractional value. Miscellaneous HTML Graphics & Visuals
<nav> Define a navigational section for a HTML document. Structure HTML Structure - Page
<noscript> Allows non script based rendering when JavaScript is turned off. Scripting HTML Scripting
<object> Used to define an embedded object in our HTML. Embedding HTML Embedding
<ol> Used to define an ordered list in our HTML code. Lists HTML Lists
<optgroup> Used to define a group of related options within a select element. Forms HTML Forms
<option> Used to define a selectable option within a select element. Forms HTML Forms
<output> Used for representing the result of a calculation. Miscellaneous HTML Forms
<p> Used for creating a paragraph of the enclosed content. Formatting HTML Formatting
<param> Used in the object element to define parameters for the embedded object. Embedding HTML Embedding
<picture> Used when rendering image resources to give more flexibility and options. Images Image Flexibility
<pre> Used to define preformatted text in our HTML code. Formatting HTML Formatting
<progress> Define a progress bar for task progress, from commencement through to completion. Semantics HTML Graphics & Visuals
<q> Used to define a short inline quotation in our HTML code. Text HTML Text Tags
<rp> Provide parentheses or other content around a ruby text component of a ruby annotation. Language Language Tags
<rt> Specifies the ruby text component of a ruby annotation. Language Language Tags
<rtc> Specifies semantic annotations of characters presented in a ruby annotation. Language Language Tags
<ruby> Allows spans of phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations. Language Language Tags
<s> Used for making a strike through text style. Semantics Further Into Semantics
<samp> Used to define text that looks like sample computer code. Text More Text Tags
<script> Define a scripting language within the HTML document. Scripting HTML Scripting
<section> Define a section within a HTML document. Structure HTML Structure - Page
<select> Used to define a drop-down list for selection. Forms HTML Forms
<small> Used for defining a small text style. Text HTML Text Tags
<source> Used to specify multiple media resources on media elements. Images, Media HTML Images, Audio & Video
<span> Used to group some inline HTML together for styling with CSS. Structure HTML Structure - Layout
<strong> Used to define text to be strongly emphasised in our HTML code. Semantics HTML Inline Semantics
<style> Allows us to put style information into our HTML documents. Styling MetaData
<sub> Used for defining subscript text. Text More Text Tags
<summary> Defines a visible header within the details HTML tag. Miscellaneous Widgets / Miscellaneous
<sup> Used for defining superscript text. Text More Text Tags
<table> Used to define a table for displaying tabular data. Tables HTML Tables
<tbody> Used to define group body information within a table. Tables HTML Tables
<td> Used to define a table cell within a table element. Tables HTML Tables
<template> Create Fragments of HTML to clone and insert into the HTML document via a script. Scripting HTML Scripting
<textarea> Used to define used to define a multiple line area for text input. Forms HTML Forms
<tfoot> Used to define group footer information within a table. Tables HTML Tables
<th> Used to define a heading within a table element. Tables HTML Tables
<thead> Used to define group header information within a table. Tables HTML Tables
<time> Used for defining the date and/or time in a HTML document. Miscellaneous Widgets / Miscellaneous
<title> Defines the document title element of a HTML file. Document HTML Structure - Document
<tr> Used to define a row within a table element. Tables HTML Tables
<track> Used to specify multiple media resources on media elements. Images, Media HTML Images, Audio & Video
<u> A span of text with an unarticulated, non-textual annotations. Semantics HTML Inline Semantics
<ul> Defines an unordered list in our HTML code. Lists HTML Lists
<var> Used to define text that looks like a computer variable. Formatting HTML Formatting
<video> Used to define text that looks like a computer variable. Media Audio & Video
<wbr> Used for representing a word break opportunity in text where browsers can insert a line break. Formatting HTML Formatting