HTML <img> tagS2C Home « HTML <img> tag
The <img> tag is a self closing tag used to create an area on the page to hold the referenced image.
The src attribute is mandatory whenever using the <img> tag and specifies the URL of the image (the actual location where the image is stored).
The alt attribute is mandatory whenever using the <img> tag and specifies an alternate text for the image (provides information if the image cannot be loaded).
Although not mandatory its good practice to get into the habit of also including the width and height attributes when using the <img> tag to avoid flicker on page load.
<img src="../../images/apple.jpg"
alt="Apple" width="200" height="200">

The following attributes can be used with the <img> tag.
Attribute | Value | Description | Example |
alt | number | Specifies an alternate text for the image (provides information if the image cannot be loaded). Required |
cross | Specifies how the resource handles cross-origin request. |
| |
anony | Requests for the element will have their mode set to "cors" and their credentials mode set to "same-origin". | ||
use-creden | Requests for the element will have their mode set to "cors" and their credentials mode set to "include". | ||
height | number | Specifies the height of the image in pixels (you can make the image taller or shorter). |
ismap | ismap | Specifies the image as a server side image map. Only valid if image is a descendant of an <a> tag with a valid <href attribute. For more information about image maps see the <map> tag. |
referrer | Specifies how much referrer information is sent. |
| |
no-referrer | No referrer information will be sent. | ||
no-referrer-when-downgrade | No referrer information will be sent when navigatin to a non HTTPS resource | ||
origin | Referrer will be the origin of the page. | ||
origin-when-cross-origin | Referrer will be the origin of the page but will not include path when navigating to another origin. | ||
unsafe-url | Referrer will include the origin and the path but no fragment, username or password. | ||
sizes | width height any | Specifies space separated sizes of images for different media content. |
src | url | Specifies the URL of the image (the actual location where the image is stored). Required |
srcset | url | Specifies images to use in different situations (e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc.) |
usemap | name | Specifies the image as a client side image map. Cannot use this attribute if the <img> tag is inside an <a> or <button> tag. For more information about image maps see the <map> tag. |
width | number | Specifies the width of the image in pixels (you can make the image narrower or wider). |
Attribute | Description | Example |
Common | ||
class | Specifies a classname for the element allowing you to apply the style of the predefined class to the content. |
id | Specifies a unique id for the element allowing you to apply the style of the predefined id to the content. |
style | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the contentt. |
title | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the content. |
Keyboard | ||
accesskey | Specifies a keyboard shortcut to associate with the element. |
tabindex | Specifies a tab order for the element. |
Language | ||
dir | Specifies the directional flow of the content. |
lang | Specifies a language code for the content of the element. |
spell | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the contentt. |
translate | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the content. |
Miscellaneous | ||
content | Specifies whether the content of the element is editable. |
draggable | Specifies whether the element is draggable. |
hidden | Specifies whether the element is not yet, or no longer, relevant. |
Attribute | Description | Example |
Document Element | ||
oncopy | The script to be run when the user copies the content of an element. |
oncut | The script to be run when the user cuts the content of an element. |
onpaste | The script to be run when the user pastes some content into an element. |
Drag and Drop | ||
ondrag | The script to be run when an element is dragged. |
ondragend | The script to be run when an element has stopped being dragged. |
ondrag | The script to be run when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target. |
ondrag | The script to be run when an element leaves a valid drop target. |
ondragover | The script to be run when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target. |
ondrag | The script to be run at the start of a drag operation. |
ondrop | The script to be run when a dragged element is being dropped. |
Form | ||
onblur | The script to be run when the element loses focus. |
onchange | The script to be run when object changed and attempt to leave field. |
oncontext | The script to be run when a context menu is triggered. |
onfocus | The script to be run when the element gets focus. |
oninput | The script to be run when an element gets user input. |
oninvalid | The script to be run when an element is invalid. |
onreset | The script to be run when a dragged element is being dropped. |
onselect | The script to be run when some or all of the contents of an object are selected. |
onsubmit | The script to be run when a form is submitted. |
Keyboard | ||
onkeydown | The script to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is pressed down. |
onkeypress | The script to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is pressed down and released. |
onkeyup | The script to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is released. |
Media | ||
onabort | The script code to be run on abort. |
oncanplay | The script to be run when a file has buffered enough so it is ready to start playing. |
oncanplay | The script to be run when a file can be played all the way to the end without further need of buffering. |
oncue | The script to be run when the cue changes when using the track element. |
onduration | The script to be run when the length of the media is changed. |
onemptied | The script to be run when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty, usually due to an error. |
onended | The script to be run when the media has reach the end. |
onloaded | The script to be run when media data is loaded and playback can start. |
onloaded | The script to be run when metadata has been loaded. |
onload | The script to be run when the media resource has started loading. |
onpause | The script to be run when the media resource has been paused. |
onplay | The script to be run when the media resource starts playback. |
onplaying | The script to be run when playback has already begun. |
onprogress | The script to be run when the browser is fetching the media data. |
onrate | The script to be run when the playback rate changes. |
onseeked | The script to be run when the seeking attribute is set to false indicating that seeking has finished. |
onseeking | The script to be run when the seeking attribute is set to true indicating that seeking is currently active. |
onstalled | The script to be run when the browser is unable to continue fetching media data. |
onsuspend | The script to be run when media data has stopped before being completely loaded. |
ontime | The script to be run when the media resources current playback position has changed. |
onvolume | The script to be run when the volume has changed or been muted. |
onwaiting | The script to be run when the media resource has paused but is expected to resume. |
Mouse | ||
onclick | The script to be run when when a mouse is clicked on an element. |
ondblclick | The script to be run when a mouse is double clicked on an element. |
onmouse | The script to be run when he mouse button is pressed down while the cursor is over an element. |
onmouse | The script to be run when the mouse button is moved. |
onmouseout | The script to be run when the mouse cursor moves off an element. |
onmouse | The script to be run when the mouse cursor moves over an element. |
onmouseup | The script to be run when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over the element. |
onwheel | The script to be run when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element. |
Scroll | ||
onscroll | The script code to be run when the scrollbar of an element is being scrolled. |
Scroll | ||
Window - NONE |