HTML <picture> tagS2C Home « HTML <picture> tag
The <picture> tag is used when rendering image resources to give more flexibility and options.
The <picture> element must contain one <img> element which must be the last child. This ensures that there is a falback image if none of the conditions of any <source> elements are met.
The <picture> element can also contain zero or more <source> elements.
The <picture> tag was introduced in HTML5.
<p>Resize the screen to see the picture change.</p>
<source media="(min-width:1100px)" srcset="../images/chips.webp">
<source media="(min-width:600px)" srcset="../images/chillifriedseafoodmedium.webp">
<img src="../images/chickenpiesmall.webp" alt="Chicken Pie" style="width:auto;">
Resize the screen to see the picture change.

In the example above we are using the <picture> element in conjunction with two <source> elements. The browser will select the first <source> element that matches the width specified by the media attribute. When neither minimum width is reached a default image (chicken pie) is shown.
The following attributes can be used with the <picture> tag.
Attribute | Value | Description | Example |
There are no required or optional attributes specific to the <picture> tag. |
Attribute | Description | Example |
Common | ||
class | Specifies a classname for the element allowing you to apply the style of the predefined class to the content. |
id | Specifies a unique id for the element allowing you to apply the style of the predefined id to the content. |
style | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the contentt. |
title | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the content. |
Keyboard | ||
accesskey | Specifies a keyboard shortcut to associate with the element. |
tabindex | Specifies a tab order for the element. |
Language | ||
dir | Specifies the directional flow of the content. |
lang | Specifies a language code for the content of the element. |
spell | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the contentt. |
translate | Specifies an inline style for the element allowing you to apply the style to the content. |
Miscellaneous | ||
content | Specifies whether the content of the element is editable. |
draggable | Specifies whether the element is draggable. |
hidden | Specifies whether the element is not yet, or no longer, relevant. |
Attribute | Description | Example |
Document Element | ||
oncopy | The script to be run when the user copies the content of an element. |
oncut | The script to be run when the user cuts the content of an element. |
onpaste | The script to be run when the user pastes some content into an element. |
Drag and Drop | ||
ondrag | The script to be run when an element is dragged. |
ondragend | The script to be run when an element has stopped being dragged. |
ondrag | The script to be run when an element has been dragged to a valid drop target. |
ondrag | The script to be run when an element leaves a valid drop target. |
ondragover | The script to be run when an element is being dragged over a valid drop target. |
ondrag | The script to be run at the start of a drag operation. |
ondrop | The script to be run when a dragged element is being dropped. |
Form | ||
onblur | The script to be run when the element loses focus. |
onchange | The script to be run when object changed and attempt to leave field. |
oncontext | The script to be run when a context menu is triggered. |
onfocus | The script to be run when the element gets focus. |
oninput | The script to be run when an element gets user input. |
oninvalid | The script to be run when an element is invalid. |
onreset | The script to be run when a dragged element is being dropped. |
onselect | The script to be run when some or all of the contents of an object are selected. |
onsubmit | The script to be run when a form is submitted. |
Keyboard | ||
onkeydown | The script to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is pressed down. |
onkeypress | The script to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is pressed down and released. |
onkeyup | The script to be run when an element is in focus and keyboard key is released. |
Media | ||
onabort | The script code to be run on abort. |
oncanplay | The script to be run when a file has buffered enough so it is ready to start playing. |
oncanplay | The script to be run when a file can be played all the way to the end without further need of buffering. |
oncue | The script to be run when the cue changes when using the track element. |
onduration | The script to be run when the length of the media is changed. |
onemptied | The script to be run when a media resource element suddenly becomes empty, usually due to an error. |
onended | The script to be run when the media has reach the end. |
onloaded | The script to be run when media data is loaded and playback can start. |
onloaded | The script to be run when metadata has been loaded. |
onload | The script to be run whenthe media resource has started loading. |
onpause | The script to be run when the media resource has been paused. |
onplay | The script to be run when the media resource starts playback. |
onplaying | The script to be run when when playback has already begun. |
onprogress | The script to be run when the browser is fetching the media data. |
onrate | The script to be run when the playback rate changes. |
onseeked | The script to be run when the seeking attribute is set to false indicating that seeking has finished. |
onseeking | The script to be run when the seeking attribute is set to true indicating that seeking is currently active. |
onstalled | The script to be run when the browser is unable to continue fetching media data. |
onsuspend | The script to be run when media data has stopped before being completely loaded. |
ontime | The script to be run when the media resources current playback position has changed. |
onvolume | The script to be run when the volume has changed or been muted. |
onwaiting | The script to be run when the media resource has paused but is expected to resume. |
Mouse | ||
onclick | The script to be run when when a mouse is clicked on an element. |
ondblclick | The script to be run when a mouse is double clicked on an element. |
onmouse | The script to be run when he mouse button is pressed down while the cursor is over an element. |
onmouse | The script to be run when the mouse button is moved. |
onmouseout | The script to be run when the mouse cursor moves off an element. |
onmouse | The script to be run when the mouse cursor moves over an element. |
onmouseup | The script to be run when the mouse button is released while the cursor is over the element. |
onwheel | The script to be run when the mouse wheel rolls up or down over an element. |
Scroll | ||
onscroll | The script code to be run when the scrollbar of an element is being scrolled. |
Window - NONE |