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Click a jQuery 3.5 API Filtering Method signature in the table below to see in-depth information on it.

The .eq() method has two signatures:
.eq( index )Reduce the matched set to the element at the specified index.
.eq( -index )Reduce the matched set to the element at the specified index, counting backwards from the last element in the set.
The .filter() method has four signatures:
.filter( selector )Reduce the matched set to elements that match the selector.
.filter( element )Reduce the matched set to elements that match the element.
.filter( jQuery object )Reduce the matched set to elements that match the jQuery object.
.filter( function(index) )Pass each element within the current matched set through a function.
The .first() method has one signature:
.first()Reduce the matched set to the first element.
The .has() method has two signatures:
.has( selector )Reduce matched set to elements that have a descendant that matches the selector.
.has( contains )Reduce matched set to elements that have a descendant that matches the DOM element.
The .is() method has four signatures:
.is( selector )Check the current matched set of elements against a selector.
.is( element )Check the current matched set of elements against an element.
.is( jQuery object )Check the current matched set of elements against a jQuery object.
.is( function(index) )Pass each element within the current matched set through a function.
The .last() method has one signature:
.last()Reduce the matched set to the last element.
The .map() method has one signature:
.map( callback(index, domElement) )Pass each element within the current matched set through a function, producing a new jQuery object containing returned values.
The .not() method has four signatures:
.not( selector )Reduce the matched set to elements not matching the selector.
.not( element )Reduce the matched set to elements not matching the element.
.not( jQuery object )Reduce the matched set to elements not matching the jQuery object.
.not( function(index) )Pass each element within the current matched set through a function.
The .slice() method has one signature:
.slice(start [, end] )Reduce the matched set to a subset of the specifed indices range.