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Click a jQuery 3.5 API Objects Method signature or property in the table below to see in-depth information on it.

Callbacks ObjectTop
The jQuery.Callbacks() method has one signature:
jQuery.Callbacks( [flags] )A Callbacks list object constructor for managing callback lists, optionally behavioured using flags.
The callbacks.add() method has one signature:
callbacks.add( callbacks )Add callback(s) to a callback list.
The callbacks.disable() method has one signature:
callbacks.disable()Disable a callback list.
The callbacks.empty() method has one signature:
callbacks.empty()Empty a callback list.
The callbacks.fire() method has one signature:
callbacks.fire( arguments )Invoke the callback list with the specified arguments.
The callbacks.fired() method has one signature:
callbacks.fired()Determine whether the callback list has already been invoked.
The callbacks.fireWith() method has one signature:
callbacks.fireWith(context,[arguments])Invoke the callback list with specified context and arguments.
The callbacks.has() method has one signature:
callbacks.has( callback )Determine whether the callback list contains the specified callback.
The callbacks.lock() method has one signature:
callbacks.lock()Lock a callback list.
The callbacks.locked() method has one signature:
callbacks.locked()Determine whether the callback list is in a locked state.
The callbacks.remove() method has one signature:
callbacks.remove( callback )Remove callback(s) from a callback list.
Deferred ObjectTop
The jQuery.Deferred() method has one signature:
jQuery.Deferred( [initFunction] )Deferred object constructor for managing callback queues, optionally passing an inititailizing function.
The deferred.always() method has one signature:
deferred.always( alwaysCallbacks )Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved or rejected.
The deferred.done() method has one signature:
deferred.done( doneCallbacks )Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved.
The deferred.fail() method has one signature:
deferred.fail( failCallbacks )Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is rejected.
deferred.isRejected() **REMOVED** Establish if Deferred object has been rejected.
deferred.isResolved() **REMOVED** Establish if Deferred object has been resolved.
The deferred.notify() method has one signature:
deferred.notify( [args] )Call any progressCallbacks on Deferred object, optionally passing arguments.
The deferred.notifyWith() method has one signature:
deferred.notifyWith( context, [args] )Call any progressCallbacks on Deferred object with specified context and arguments.
deferred.pipe() **DEPRECATED** Utility method for filtering and/or chaining a Deferred.
The deferred.progress() method has one signature:
deferred.progress( progressCallbacks )Add handlers to the Deferred object that are called on progress notification generation.
The deferred.promise() method has one signature:
deferred.promise( [target] )Return promise object for a Deferred, optionally passing object to attach promise methods to.
The deferred.reject() method has one signature:
deferred.reject( [args] )Reject Deferred object and call any failCallbacks with the specified arguments.
The deferred.rejectWith() method has one signature:
deferred.rejectWith( context, [args] )Reject Deferred object and call any failCallbacks with specified context and arguments.
The deferred.resolve() method has one signature:
deferred.resolve( [args] )Resolve Deferred object and call any doneCallbacks with the specified arguments.
The deferred.resolveWith() method has one signature:
deferred.resolveWith( context, [args] )Resolve Deferred object and call any doneCallbacks with specified context and arguments.
The deferred.state() method has one signature:
deferred.state()Determine the current state of Deferred object.
The deferred.then() method has one signature:
deferred.then(doneFilter[,failFilter][,progressFilter])Add handlers to the Deferred object that are called on resolution, rejection or progression.
The .promise() method has one signature:
.promise( [type] [, target] )Return a dynamically generated Promise that is resolved once all collection bound actions of a certain type have ended, optionally passing a queue type and/or a target object.
Event ObjectTop
The event.isDefaultPrevented() method has one signature:
event.isDefaultPrevented()Return a boolean dependant upon event.preventDefault() ever being called on this event object.
The event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() method has one signature:
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()Return a boolean dependant upon event.stopImmediatePropagation() ever being called on this event object.
The event.isPropagationStopped() method has one signature:
event.isPropagationStopped()Return a boolean dependant upon event.stopPropagation() ever being called on this event object.
The event.preventDefault() method has one signature:
event.preventDefault()Prevents an event's default action from triggering.
The event.stopImmediatePropagation() method has one signature:
event.stopImmediatePropagation()Stop other event handlers from being called.
The event.stopPropagation() method has one signature:
event.stopPropagation()Stop current event bubbling up DOM tree, preventing parent handler notification of event.
event.clientXContains value of the mouse position, relative to left edge of the viewable window (X-axis).
event.clientYContains value of the mouse position relative to top edge of the viewable window (Y-axis).
event.currentTargetContains the value of the DOM element in progress within the event bubbling phase.
event.dataAn optional data map passed to event method when currently executing handler is attached.
event.delegateTargetContains the value of the element that the in progress jQuery event handler was attached to.
event.namespaceContains the value of the namespace specified on event triggering.
event.pageXContains the value of the mouse position relative to the left edge of the document (X-axis).
event.pageYContains the value of the mouse position relative to the top edge of the document (Y-axis).
event.relatedTargetContains the value of the other DOM element, if it exists, involved in mouseout and mouseover events.
event.resultContains the value of the last value returned by an event handler triggered by this event, unless the value was undefined.
event.targetContains the value of the DOM element, or descendant thereof, that initiated the event.
event.timeStampContains the value of the difference in milliseconds between the creation of this event by the browser and UTC (January 1, 1970).
event.typeContains the value of the description of the event.
event.whichContains a value indicating key or button that was pressed for keyboard and mouse events.