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Click a jQuery 3.5 API Utilities Method signature or property in the table below to see in-depth information on it.

The jQuery.contains() method has one signature:
jQuery.contains( outer, inner )Return boolean dependant upon whether DOM element is in another DOM element.
The jQuery.each() method has one signature:
jQuery.each( collection,
             callback(iterator, value) )
A generic iterator function used to iterate over objects and arrays.
The jQuery.extend() method has two signatures:
jQuery.extend(target [,object1] [,objectN])Merge the contents of two or more objects into the first specified object.
jQuery.extend([deep],target,object1[,objectN])Merge the contents of two or more objects into the first specified object, optionally making the merge recursive.
The jQuery.globalEval() method has one signature:
jQuery.globalEval( code )Execute some JavaScript code at global scope.
The jQuery.grep() method has one signature:
jQuery.grep( array, function(elementOfArray,
             indexInArray) [,invert])
Creates a new array, from the elements of an existing array meeting the requirements of a filter function, without affecting the contents of the original array, optionally inverting the returned array contents.
The jQuery.inArray() method has one signature:
jQuery.inArray( value, array [, fromIndex])Return a number denoting the index position within the array containing the specified value, optionally passing an index value to start from.
The jQuery.makeArray() method has one signature:
jQuery.makeArray( object )Return a JavaScript Array object created from an array-like object.
The jQuery.map() method has one signature:
jQuery.map( arrayOrObject,
            callback( value, indexOrKey ) )
Return a JavaScript Array object translated from an array or object.
The jQuery.merge() method has one signature:
jQuery.merge( first, second )Merge two arrays into the first specified array.
The jQuery.noop() method has one signature:
jQuery.noop()Used to pass around an empty function.
The jQuery.now() method has one signature:
jQuery.now()Shorthand for getting the current time.
The jQuery.parseHTML() method has one signature:
jQuery.parseHTML(data[,context][,keepScripts])Parses a string into an array of DOM nodes, optionally using a context within the document whilst retaining any user scripts present when required.
The jQuery.parseJSON() method has one signature:
jQuery.parseJSON( json )Return a JavaScript Object object created from the specified well-formed JSON string.
The jQuery.parseXML() method has one signature:
jQuery.parseXML( data )Return an XML document created from the parsed string.
The jQuery.trim() method has one signature:
jQuery.trim( str )Remove whitespace from beginning and end of a string.
The jQuery.type() method has one signature:
jQuery.type( object )Return a string representing the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object.
The jQuery.uniqueSort() method has one signature:
jQuery.uniqueSort( array )Return an array of sorted DOM elements with duplicates removed.
Global Object PropertiesTop
jQuery.boxModel **DEPRECATED** Asserts whether the user's current browser page is being rendered using the W3C CSS Box Model.
jQuery.browser **REMOVED** Contains flag information for the user agent extracted from navigator.userAgent.
jQuery.supportCollection of properties representing presence of different browser features or bugs.
The .clone() method has one signature:
.clone( [withDataAndEvents]
      [, deepWithDataAndEvents])
Create a deep copy of the set of matched elements, optionally passing booleans flags to indicate whether event handlers and data should be copied and/or event handlers and data for all children of the cloned element should be copied.
The .data() method has four signatures:
.data( setKey, value )Store a key-value pair associated with the matched set.
.data( objectMap )Store an object of key-value pairs associated with the matched set.
.data( getKey )Retrieve arbitrary data from first element in the matched set for the specified key.
.data()Retrieve all arbitrary data from the first element within the matched set.
The jQuery.data() method has three signatures:
jQuery.data( element )Retrieve arbitrary data associated with the specified element.
jQuery.data( element, key )Retrieve arbitrary data associated with the specified element for the specified key.
jQuery.data( element, key, value )Store arbitrary data specified by the value, for the specified key, associated with the specified element.
The jQuery.dequeue() method has one signature:
jQuery.dequeue( element [, queueName])Execute the next function on the queue for the specified element, optionally passing a queue name.
The jQuery.hasData() method has one signature:
jQuery.hasData( element )Return a boolean dependant upon whether an element has any jQuery data associated with it.
The jQuery.queue() method has three signatures:
jQuery.queue( element [, queueName])Shows the queue of functions for the specified element, optionally passing a queue name.
jQuery.queue( element, queueName, newQueue )Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched element, optionally passing an array of functions to replace the current queue.
jQuery.queue( element, queueName, callback())Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched element, passing a function to add to the current queue.
The .removeData() method has one signature:
.removeData( [keyOrArrayOfKeys])Remove the specified data that was previously stored, optionally passing a key or array of keys to select the data.
The jQuery.removeData() method has one signature:
jQuery.removeData( element [, name])Remove the specified data that was previously stored, optionally passing the name of the data.
The jQuery.isArray() method has one signature:
jQuery.isArray( object )Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object being a JavaScript Array object.
The jQuery.isEmptyObject() method has one signature:
jQuery.isEmptyObject( object )Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object having properties or not.
The jQuery.isFunction() method has one signature:
jQuery.isFunction( object )Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object being a JavaScript Function object.
The jQuery.isNumeric() method has one signature:
jQuery.isNumeric( value )Return a boolean dependant upon the specified value being numeric.
The jQuery.isPlainObject() method has one signature:
jQuery.isPlainObject( object )Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object having been created as a plain JavaScript object.
The jQuery.isWindow() method has one signature:
jQuery.isWindow( object )Return a boolean dependant upon the specified argument being a window.
The jQuery.isXMLDoc() method has one signature:
jQuery.isXMLDoc( node )Return a boolean dependant upon the specified DOM node being within / an XML document XML document.