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Click a jQuery 3.5 API Utilities Method signature or property in the table below to see in-depth information on it.
Alphabetically | Description |
GeneralTop | |
The jQuery.contains() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.contains( outer, inner ) | Return boolean dependant upon whether DOM element is in another DOM element. |
The jQuery.each() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.each( collection, | A generic iterator function used to iterate over objects and arrays. |
The jQuery.extend() method has two signatures: | |
jQuery.extend(target [,object1] [,objectN]) | Merge the contents of two or more objects into the first specified object. |
jQuery.extend([deep],target,object1[,objectN]) | Merge the contents of two or more objects into the first specified object, optionally making the merge recursive. |
The jQuery.globalEval() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.globalEval( code ) | Execute some JavaScript code at global scope. |
The jQuery.grep() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.grep( array, function(elementOfArray, | Creates a new array, from the elements of an existing array meeting the requirements of a filter function, without affecting the contents of the original array, optionally inverting the returned array contents. |
The jQuery.inArray() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.inArray( value, array [, fromIndex]) | Return a number denoting the index position within the array containing the specified value, optionally passing an index value to start from. |
The jQuery.makeArray() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.makeArray( object ) | Return a JavaScript Array object created from an array-like object. |
The jQuery.map() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.map( arrayOrObject, | Return a JavaScript Array object translated from an array or object. |
The jQuery.merge() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.merge( first, second ) | Merge two arrays into the first specified array. |
The jQuery.noop() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.noop() | Used to pass around an empty function. |
The jQuery.now() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.now() | Shorthand for getting the current time. |
The jQuery.parseHTML() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.parseHTML(data[,context][,keepScripts]) | Parses a string into an array of DOM nodes, optionally using a context within the document whilst retaining any user scripts present when required. |
The jQuery.parseJSON() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.parseJSON( json ) | Return a JavaScript Object object created from the specified well-formed JSON string. |
The jQuery.parseXML() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.parseXML( data ) | Return an XML document created from the parsed string. |
The jQuery.trim() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.trim( str ) | Remove whitespace from beginning and end of a string. |
The jQuery.type() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.type( object ) | Return a string representing the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object. |
The jQuery.uniqueSort() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.uniqueSort( array ) | Return an array of sorted DOM elements with duplicates removed. |
Global Object PropertiesTop | |
jQuery.boxModel | **DEPRECATED** Asserts whether the user's current browser page is being rendered using the W3C CSS Box Model. |
jQuery.browser | **REMOVED** Contains flag information for the user agent extracted from navigator.userAgent . |
jQuery.support | Collection of properties representing presence of different browser features or bugs. |
CopyingTop | |
The .clone() method has one signature: | |
.clone( [withDataAndEvents] | Create a deep copy of the set of matched elements, optionally passing booleans flags to indicate whether event handlers and data should be copied and/or event handlers and data for all children of the cloned element should be copied. |
DataTop | |
The .data() method has four signatures: | |
.data( setKey, value ) | Store a key-value pair associated with the matched set. |
.data( objectMap ) | Store an object of key-value pairs associated with the matched set. |
.data( getKey ) | Retrieve arbitrary data from first element in the matched set for the specified key. |
.data() | Retrieve all arbitrary data from the first element within the matched set. |
The jQuery.data() method has three signatures: | |
jQuery.data( element ) | Retrieve arbitrary data associated with the specified element. |
jQuery.data( element, key ) | Retrieve arbitrary data associated with the specified element for the specified key. |
jQuery.data( element, key, value ) | Store arbitrary data specified by the value, for the specified key, associated with the specified element. |
The jQuery.dequeue() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.dequeue( element [, queueName]) | Execute the next function on the queue for the specified element, optionally passing a queue name. |
The jQuery.hasData() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.hasData( element ) | Return a boolean dependant upon whether an element has any jQuery data associated with it. |
The jQuery.queue() method has three signatures: | |
jQuery.queue( element [, queueName]) | Shows the queue of functions for the specified element, optionally passing a queue name. |
jQuery.queue( element, queueName, newQueue ) | Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched element, optionally passing an array of functions to replace the current queue. |
jQuery.queue( element, queueName, callback()) | Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched element, passing a function to add to the current queue. |
The .removeData() method has one signature: | |
.removeData( [keyOrArrayOfKeys]) | Remove the specified data that was previously stored, optionally passing a key or array of keys to select the data. |
The jQuery.removeData() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.removeData( element [, name]) | Remove the specified data that was previously stored, optionally passing the name of the data. |
TypeTop | |
The jQuery.isArray() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.isArray( object ) | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object being a JavaScript Array object. |
The jQuery.isEmptyObject() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.isEmptyObject( object ) | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object having properties or not. |
The jQuery.isFunction() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.isFunction( object ) | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object being a JavaScript Function object. |
The jQuery.isNumeric() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.isNumeric( value ) | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified value being numeric. |
The jQuery.isPlainObject() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.isPlainObject( object ) | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object having been created as a plain JavaScript object. |
The jQuery.isWindow() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.isWindow( object ) | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified argument being a window. |
The jQuery.isXMLDoc() method has one signature: | |
jQuery.isXMLDoc( node ) | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified DOM node being within / an XML document XML document. |