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Click a jQuery 3.5 API Traversal Method signature in the table below to see in-depth information on it.

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The .children() method has two signatures:
.children()Retrieve children of each element within the matched set.
.children( selector )Retrieve children of each element within the matched set that match specified selector.
The .closest() method has three signatures:
.closest( selector [, context ] )Retrieve the first element matching the specified selector, starting with the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree optionally filtered by a context.
.closest( element )Retrieve the first element matching the specified element, starting with the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree.
.closest( jQuery object )Retrieve the first element matching the jQuery object, starting with the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree.
The .find() method has three signatures:
.find( selector )Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set.
.find( element )Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set.
.find( jQuery object )Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set, but only if it matches the specified selector.
The .next() method has two signatures:
.next()Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set.
.next( selector )Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set, but only if it matches the specified selector.
The .nextAll() method has two signatures:
.nextAll()Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set.
.nextAll( selector )Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, but only if they match the specified selector.
The .nextUntil() method has four signatures:
.nextUntil()Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set.
.nextUntil( selector [, filter ] )Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
.nextUntil( element [, filter ] )Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified DOM node, optionally filtered by another selector.
.nextUntil( jQuery object [, filter ] )Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified jQuery object, optionally filtered by another selector.
The .offsetparent() method has one signature:
.offsetparent()Retrieve the closest positioned ancestor element.
The .parent() method has two signatures:
.parent()Retrieve parent of each element within the matched set.
.parent( selector )Retrieve parent of each element within the matched set that matches specified selector.
The .parents() method has two signatures:
.parents()Retrieve ancestors of each element within the matched set.
.parents( selector )Retrieve ancestors of each element within the matched set that match specified selector.
The .parentsUntil() method has four signatures:
.parentsUntil()Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set.
.parentsUntil( selector [, filter ])Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
.parentsUntil( element [, filter ])Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified DOM node, optionally filtered by another selector.
.parentsUntil( jQuery object [, filter ])Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified jQuery object, optionally filtered by another selector.
The .prev() method has two signatures:
.prev()Retrieve the immediately preceding sibling of each element within the matched set.
.prev( selector )Retrieve the immediately preceding sibling of each element within the matched set, but only if it matches the specified selector.
The .prevAll() method has two signatures:
.prevAll()Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set.
.prevAll( selector )Retrieve all following preceding of each element within the matched set, but only if they match the specified selector.
The .prevUntil() method has four signatures:
.prevUntil()Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set.
.prevUntil( selector [, filter ] )Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified selector, optionally filtered by another selector.
.prevUntil( element [, filter ] )Retrieve all preceding preceding of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified DOM node, optionally filtered by another selector.
.prevUntil( jQuery object [, filter ] )Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified jQuery object, optionally filtered by another selector.
The .siblings() method has two signatures:
.siblings()Retrieve siblings of each element within the matched set.
.siblings( selector )Retrieve siblings of each element within the matched set that match specified selector.
Other TraversalTop
The .add() method has four signatures:
.add( selector [, context ] )Add specified selector elements to the matched set optionally using a DOM Element, Document, or jQuery object as a context.
.add( element )Add specified elements to the matched set.
.add( html )Add specified HTML to the matched set.
.add( jQuery object )Add specified jQuery object to the matched set.
The .addBack() method has one signature:
.addBack( [selector ] )Add the previous set of elements on the jQuery stack to the current set of elements, optionally filtered by a selector.
.andSelf() **DEPRECATED** Add the previous set of elements on the jQuery stack to the current set of elements.
The .contents() method has one signature:
.contents()Retrieve the children of each element within the matched set, including text and comment nodes.
The .each() method has two signatures:
.each( function(index, Element) )Iterate over a jQuery object, executing a function for each element in the matched set.
.each( function() )Iterate over a jQuery object executing a function.
The .end() method has one signature:
.end()End the most recent filtering operation in current execution chain and return the matched set of elements to its previous state ( prior to most recent filter being applied ).