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Click a jQuery 3.5 API Traversal Method signature in the table below to see in-depth information on it.
Alphabetically | Description |
Tree TraversalTop | |
The .children() method has two signatures: | |
.children() | Retrieve children of each element within the matched set. |
.children( selector ) | Retrieve children of each element within the matched set that match specified selector. |
The .closest() method has three signatures: | |
.closest( selector [, context ] ) | Retrieve the first element matching the specified selector, starting with the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree optionally filtered by a context. |
.closest( element ) | Retrieve the first element matching the specified element, starting with the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree. |
.closest( jQuery object ) | Retrieve the first element matching the jQuery object, starting with the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree. |
The .find() method has three signatures: | |
.find( selector ) | Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set. |
.find( element ) | Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set. |
.find( jQuery object ) | Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set, but only if it matches the specified selector. |
The .next() method has two signatures: | |
.next() | Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set. |
.next( selector ) | Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set, but only if it matches the specified selector. |
The .nextAll() method has two signatures: | |
.nextAll() | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set. |
.nextAll( selector ) | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, but only if they match the specified selector. |
The .nextUntil() method has four signatures: | |
.nextUntil() | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set. |
.nextUntil( selector [, filter ] ) | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified selector, optionally filtered by another selector. |
.nextUntil( element [, filter ] ) | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified DOM node, optionally filtered by another selector. |
.nextUntil( jQuery object [, filter ] ) | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified jQuery object, optionally filtered by another selector. |
The .offsetparent() method has one signature: | |
.offsetparent() | Retrieve the closest positioned ancestor element. |
The .parent() method has two signatures: | |
.parent() | Retrieve parent of each element within the matched set. |
.parent( selector ) | Retrieve parent of each element within the matched set that matches specified selector. |
The .parents() method has two signatures: | |
.parents() | Retrieve ancestors of each element within the matched set. |
.parents( selector ) | Retrieve ancestors of each element within the matched set that match specified selector. |
The .parentsUntil() method has four signatures: | |
.parentsUntil() | Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set. |
.parentsUntil( selector [, filter ]) | Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified selector, optionally filtered by another selector. |
.parentsUntil( element [, filter ]) | Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified DOM node, optionally filtered by another selector. |
.parentsUntil( jQuery object [, filter ]) | Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified jQuery object, optionally filtered by another selector. |
The .prev() method has two signatures: | |
.prev() | Retrieve the immediately preceding sibling of each element within the matched set. |
.prev( selector ) | Retrieve the immediately preceding sibling of each element within the matched set, but only if it matches the specified selector. |
The .prevAll() method has two signatures: | |
.prevAll() | Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set. |
.prevAll( selector ) | Retrieve all following preceding of each element within the matched set, but only if they match the specified selector. |
The .prevUntil() method has four signatures: | |
.prevUntil() | Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set. |
.prevUntil( selector [, filter ] ) | Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified selector, optionally filtered by another selector. |
.prevUntil( element [, filter ] ) | Retrieve all preceding preceding of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified DOM node, optionally filtered by another selector. |
.prevUntil( jQuery object [, filter ] ) | Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set, stopping at the specified jQuery object, optionally filtered by another selector. |
The .siblings() method has two signatures: | |
.siblings() | Retrieve siblings of each element within the matched set. |
.siblings( selector ) | Retrieve siblings of each element within the matched set that match specified selector. |
Other TraversalTop | |
The .add() method has four signatures: | |
.add( selector [, context ] ) | Add specified selector elements to the matched set optionally using a DOM Element, Document, or jQuery object as a context. |
.add( element ) | Add specified elements to the matched set. |
.add( html ) | Add specified HTML to the matched set. |
.add( jQuery object ) | Add specified jQuery object to the matched set. |
The .addBack() method has one signature: | |
.addBack( [selector ] ) | Add the previous set of elements on the jQuery stack to the current set of elements, optionally filtered by a selector. |
.andSelf() | **DEPRECATED** Add the previous set of elements on the jQuery stack to the current set of elements. |
The .contents() method has one signature: | |
.contents() | Retrieve the children of each element within the matched set, including text and comment nodes. |
The .each() method has two signatures: | |
.each( function(index, Element) ) | Iterate over a jQuery object, executing a function for each element in the matched set. |
.each( function() ) | Iterate over a jQuery object executing a function. |
The .end() method has one signature: | |
.end() | End the most recent filtering operation in current execution chain and return the matched set of elements to its previous state ( prior to most recent filter being applied ). |