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Click a jQuery 3.5 API entry in the table below to see in-depth information on it.
Name | Description | Type |
.add() | Add specified elements to the matched set. | Traversal |
.addBack() | Add previous set of elements on the jQuery stack to current set of elements. | Traversal |
.addClass() | Adds the specified class(es) to each element of the matched set. | Attrib. |
.after() | Insert parameter specified content, after each element in the matched set. | Manip. |
jQuery.ajax() | Perform an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) request. | Ajax |
.ajaxComplete() | Register Ajax Event handler to be called when Ajax requests complete. | Ajax |
.ajaxError() | Register Ajax Event handler to be called when Ajax requests complete with error. | Ajax |
jQuery.ajaxPrefilter() | Before sending each request and before they are processed by $.ajax() ,filter custom Ajax options or modify the existing options. | Ajax |
.ajaxSend() | Register an Ajax Event handler to be called before Ajax requests are sent. | Ajax |
jQuery.ajaxSetup() | Initialize default settings for future Ajax requests. | Ajax |
.ajaxStart() | Register an Ajax Event handler to be called when the first Ajax request starts. | Ajax |
.ajaxStop() | Register an Ajax Event handler to be called when Ajax requests are finished. | Ajax |
.ajaxSuccess() | After an Ajax request ends successfully trigger all handlers attached to it. | Ajax |
All Selector ("*") (Universal Selector) | Universal selector to select all elements. | Selectors |
.andSelf() | **REMOVED 3.0** Add previous set of elements on jQuery stack to current set. | Traversal |
.animate() | Perform a custom animation for a set of CSS properties. | Effects |
:animated Selector (Animating Match) | Selects all elements that are animating when the selector is run. | Selectors |
.append() | Insert parameter specified content, to end of each element in the matched set. | Manip. |
.appendTo() | Insert each element in the matched set to the end of the specified content. | Manip. |
.attr() | Retrieve an attribute value from the first element within the matched set, or set one or more attribute values within the matched set. | Attrib. |
Attribute Contains Prefix Selector[attr|="value"] (Subcode Match) | Select all elements with the specified attribute name and a value equal to the specified string or prefixed with that string followed by a hyphen (-). | Selectors |
Attribute Contains Selector[attr*="value"] (Substring Match) | Selects all elements with the specified attribute name and a value containing the specified string. | Selectors |
Attribute Contains Word Selector[attr~="value"] (Word Match) | Selects all elements that have the specified attribute name with a value containing the specified word, delimited by spaces. | Selectors |
Attribute Ends With Selector[attr$="value"] (Suffix Match) | Selects all elements that have the specified attribute name with an ending value matching the specified string. The comparison is case sensitive. | Selectors |
Attribute Equals Selector[attr="value"] (Exact Match) | Selects all elements that have the specified attribute name with a value exactly equal to the specified value. | Selectors |
Attribute Not Equal Selector[attr!="value"] (Attribute Value Non-Match) | Selects all elements that either don't have the specified attribute name, or do have the specified attribute but not with a value matching the specified string. | Selectors |
Attribute Starts With Selector[attr^="value"] (Prefix Match) | Selects all elements that have the specified attribute name with a starting value matching the specified string. | Selectors |
.before() | Insert parameter specified content, before each element in the matched set. | Manip. |
.bind() | **DEPRECATED 3.0** Bind event handler to the specified elements. | Events |
.blur() | Bind event handler to JavaScript blur event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
jQuery.boxModel | **REMOVED 1.8** Asserts whether the user's current browser page is being rendered using the W3C CSS Box Model. | jQry Obj. |
jQuery.browser | **REMOVED 1.9** Contains flag information for the user agent extracted from navigator.userAgent | jQry Obj. |
:button Selector (Form button pseudo-class match) | Selects all button and type button elements. | Selectors |
jQuery.Callbacks() | Callbacks list object constructor for managing callback lists. | Callbacks |
callbacks.add() | Add callback(s) to a callback list. | Callbacks |
callbacks.disable() | Disable callback list. | Callbacks |
callbacks.empty() | Empty a callback list. | Callbacks |
callbacks.fire() | Invoke the callback list with the specified arguments. | Callbacks |
callbacks.fired() | Determine whether the callback list has already been invoked. | Callbacks |
callbacks.fireWith() | Invoke the callback list with the specified context and arguments. | Callbacks |
callbacks.has() | Determine whether the callback list contains the specified callback. | Callbacks |
callbacks.lock() | Lock a callback list. | Callbacks |
callbacks.locked() | Determine whether the callback list is in a locked state. | Callbacks |
callbacks.remove() | Remove callback(s) from a callback list. | Callbacks |
.change() | Bind event handler to JavaScript change event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
:checkbox Selector (checkbox pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type checkbox . | Selectors |
:checked Selector(UI element states pseudo-class match) | Selects all checked elements. | Selectors |
Child Selector ("parent > child") (Child match) | Selects all the specified direct child elements of the specified parent element. | Selectors |
.children() | Retrieve children of each element in matched set, with optional selector filtering. | Traversal |
Class Selector (".class") (Class match) | Selects all elements that have the specified class. | Selectors |
.clearQueue() | Remove all items from the queue that haven't been run yet. | Effects |
.click() | Bind event handler to JavaScript click event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.clone() | Create a deep copy of the set of matched elements. | Utilities |
.closest() | Retrieve first element matching specified selector, element or jQuery object, starting with the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree. | Traversal |
jQuery.contains() | Return boolean dependant upon DOM element being in another DOM element. | Utilities |
:contains() Selector (Text Match) | Select all elements containing the specified text. | Selectors |
.contents() | Retrieve children of each element in matched set, including text/comment nodes. | Traversal |
.context | **REMOVED 3.0** The original context passed to jQuery() which could be a DOM node context, or generally the document context, if no node was passed. | Internals |
.css() | Retrieve the value of a CSS property from the first element within the matched set, or set one or more CSS properties within the matched set. | Props. |
jQuery.cssHooks | Override CSS property retrieval and setting, normalize CSS property naming and create custom properties by hooking directly into jQuery. | Props. |
.data() | Store arbitrary data associated with the matched set or retrieve arbitrary data from the first element within the matched set. | Utilities |
jQuery.data() | Store and retrieve arbitrary data associated with the named elem. | Utilities |
.dblclick() | Bind event handler to JavaScript dblclick event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
jQuery.Deferred() | Deferred obj. constructor for managing callback queues. | Deferred |
deferred.always() | Add handlers to be called when the Deferred obj. is resolved or rejected. | Deferred |
deferred.done() | Add handlers to be called when the Deferred obj. is resolved. | Deferred |
deferred.fail() | Add handlers to be called when the Deferred obj. is rejected. | Deferred |
deferred.isRejected() | **REMOVED 1.8** Establish if a Deferred obj. has been rejected. | Deferred |
deferred.isResolved() | **REMOVED 1.8** Establish if a Deferred obj. has been resolved. | Deferred |
deferred.notify() | Call any progressCallbacks on Deferred obj. with the specified arguments. | Deferred |
deferred.notifyWith() | Call any progressCallbacks on Deferred obj. with specified context/arguments. | Deferred |
deferred.pipe() | **DEPRECATED 1.8** Utility method for filtering and/or chaining a Deferred. | Deferred |
deferred.progress() | Add handlers to Deferred obj., called on progress notification generation. | Deferred |
deferred.promise() | Return the promise object for a Deferred. | Deferred |
deferred.reject() | Reject Deferred obj. and call any failCallbacks with specified arguments. | Deferred |
deferred.rejectWith() | Reject Deferred obj. and call any failCallbacks with specified context/arguments. | Deferred |
deferred.resolve() | Resolve Deferred obj. and call any doneCallbacks with specified arguments. | Deferred |
deferred.resolveWith() | Resolve Deferred obj. and call any doneCallbacks with specified context/arguments. | Deferred |
deferred.state() | Determine the current state of a Deferred obj.. | Deferred |
deferred.then() | Add handlers to Deferred obj., called on resolution, rejection or progression. | Deferred |
.delay() | Delay execution of subsequent items in the queue using a timer. | Effects |
.delegate() | **DEPRECATED 3.0** Henceforth, attach an event handler to all elements matching the specified selector for the given event type(s), based upon a specific set of root elements. | Events |
.dequeue() | Execute the next queue function for the matched set. | Effects |
jQuery.dequeue() | Execute the next function on the queue for the named elem. | Utilities |
Descendant Selector ("ancestor descendant") (Descendant Match) | Selects all specified descendant elements of the specified ancestor element. | Selectors |
.detach() | Remove the matched set from the DOM. | Manip. |
.die() | **REMOVED 1.9** Remove event handlers from elements that were previously attached using .live(). | Events |
:disabled Selector(UI element states pseudo-class Match) | Selects all disabled elements. | Selectors |
jQuery.each() | A generic iterator function used to iterate over objects and arrays. | Utilities |
.each() | Iterate a jQuery object, executing a function for each element in the matched set. | Traversal |
Element Selector ("element") (Element Match) | Selects all elements that have the specified tag name. | Selectors |
.empty() | Permanantly remove all child nodes of the matched set from the DOM. | Manip. |
:empty Selector (Childless Match) | Select all childless elements. Text nodes count as children. | Selectors |
:enabled Selector(UI element states pseudo-class Match) | Selects all enabled elements. | Selectors |
.end() | End most recent filtering operation in current execution chain and return matched set to its previous state ( prior to most recent filter being applied ). | Traversal |
.eq() | Reduce the matched set to the element at the specified index. | Filtering |
:eq() Selector (Index Equals Match) | **DEPRECATED 3.4** Selects the element at index n within the matched set. | Selectors |
.error() | **REMOVED 3.0** Bind event handler to JavaScript error event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
jQuery.error | Throw an exception from a passed string. | Internals |
jQuery.escapeSelector() | Escape characters with special meanings in a CSS selector. | Props. |
:even Selector (Even Numbered Index Match) | **DEPRECATED 3.4** Selects even elements within the matched set. | Selectors |
.even() | Reduce the matched set to the even elements, starting at zero. | Filtering |
event.clientX | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the viewable window (X-axis). | Events |
event.clientY | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the viewable window (Y-axis). | Events |
event.currentTarget | The DOM element in progress within the event bubbling phase. | Events |
event.data | Optional data map passed to event method when currently executing handler attached. | Events |
event.delegateTarget | The element that the in progress jQuery event handler was attached to. | Events |
event.isDefaultPrevented() | Return a boolean dependant upon event.preventDefault() ever being called on this event object. | Events |
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() | Return boolean dependant upon event.stopImmediatePropagation() ever being called on this event object. | Events |
event.isPropagationStopped() | Return a boolean dependant upon event.stopPropagation() ever being called on this event object. | Events |
event.namespace | The namespace specified on event triggering. | Events |
event.pageX | The mouse position relative to the left edge of the document (X-axis). | Events |
event.pageY | The mouse position relative to the top edge of the document (Y-axis). | Events |
event.preventDefault() | When called prevents an event's default action from triggering. | Events |
event.relatedTarget | Other DOM element, if it exists, involved in mouseout and mouseover events. | Events |
event.result | Last value returned by event handler triggered by this event, unless undefined . | Events |
event.stopImmediatePropagation() | Stop other event handlers being called. | Events |
event.stopPropagation() | Stop current event bubbling up the DOM tree, preventing parent handler notification of the event. | Events |
event.target | The DOM element, or descendant thereof, that initiated the event. | Events |
event.timeStamp | The difference in milliseconds between the creation of this event by the browser and UTC (January 1, 1970). | Events |
event.type | Description of the event. | Events |
event.which | Indicates the key or button that was pressed for keyboard and mouse events. | Events |
jQuery.extend() | Merge the contents of two or more objects into the first specified object, optionally making the merge recursive. | Utilities |
.fadeIn() | Display the matched set by fading it to opaque. | Effects |
.fadeOut() | Hide the matched set by fading it to transparent. | Effects |
.fadeTo() | Adjust the opacity of the matched set. | Effects |
.fadeToggle() | Animate the opacity of the matched set to hide or display it. | Effects |
:file Selector (Form File pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type file . | Selectors |
.filter() | Reduce the matched set to elements that match the specified selector, element, jQuery object or pass the function's test. | Filtering |
.find() | Get the descendants of each element in the current matched set, filtered by a specified selector, jQuery object, or element. | Traversal |
.finish() | Stop execution of the currently running animation, remove all queued animations and complete any remaining animations for the matched set. | Effects |
.first() | Reduce the matched set to the first element. | Filtering |
:first Selector (First Element Match) | **DEPRECATED 3.4** Selects first matched element. | Selectors |
:first-child Selector (First Child Match) | Selects all first child elements of their parent. | Selectors |
:first-of-type Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that are the first among siblings of the same element name. | Selectors |
.focus() | Bind event handler to JavaScript focus event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
:focus Selector (Form focus pseudo-class match) | Selects currently focused element. | Selectors |
.focusin() | Bind an event handler to the JavaScript focusin event. | Events |
.focusout() | Bind an event handler to the JavaScript focusout event. | Events |
jQuery.fx.interval | **DEPRECATED 3.0** The animation firing rate in milliseconds. | Effects |
jQuery.fx.off | Disable all animations globally. | Effects |
jQuery.get() | Load data from the server, using a HTTP GET request. | Ajax |
.get() | Retrieve DOM elements matched by the jQuery object. | D.E.M |
jQuery.getJSON() | Load data from server that has been JSON encoded, using HTTP GET request. | Ajax |
jQuery.getScript() | Load and execute a JavaScript file from the server, using a GET HTTP request. | Ajax |
jQuery.globalEval() | Execute some JavaScript code at global scope. | Utilities |
jQuery.grep() | Creates a new array, from the elements of an existing array meeting the requirements of a filter function, without affecting contents of original array. | Utilities |
:gt() Selector (Greater Than Index Match) | **DEPRECATED 3.4** Select all elements with index greater than specified index in the matched set. | Selectors |
.has() | Reduce the matched set to to those elements that have a descendant that matches the specified selector or DOM element. | Filtering |
Has Attribute Selector [attr] (Attribute Match) | Selects all elements that have the specified attribute name. | Selectors |
:has() Selector (Has Element Match) | Selects elements containing at least one element matching the specified selector. | Selectors |
.hasClass() | Determine whether specified class is assigned to any elements in matched set. | Attrib. |
jQuery.hasData() | Return a boolean dependant upon whether an element has any jQuery data associated with it. | Utilities |
:header Selector (Header Element Match) | Selects all header elements. | Selectors |
.height() | Retrieve the currently computed CSS content height of the first element within the matched set or set the CSS content height of every matched element. | Props. |
:hidden Selector (Hidden Element Match) | Selects all hidden elements. | Selectors |
.hide() | Hide the matched set. | Effects |
jQuery.holdReady() | **DEPRECATED 3.2** Hold or release the execution of the jQuery ready event. | Core |
.hover() | Bind two event handlers to the JavaScript hover event that activate when the mouse pointer enters or leaves the specified elements. | Events |
.html() | Retrieve the HTML contents from the first element within the matched set, or set the HTML content of each element within the matched set. | Attrib. |
ID Selector ("#id") (ID Match) | Selects a single element with the specified id attribute value. | Selectors |
:image Selector (Form image pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type image . | Selectors |
jQuery.inArray() | Return a number denoting index position within array containing specified value. | Utilities |
.index() | Search for a specified element within the matched elements. | D.E.M |
.innerHeight() | Retrieve the currently computed CSS height of the first element within the matched set including padding, but not border or margin. | Props. |
.innerWidth() | Retrieve the currently computed CSS width of the first element within the matched set including padding, but not border or margin. | Props. |
:input Selector (Form input pseudo-class match) | Selects all button, input, select and textarea elements. | Selectors |
.insertAfter() | Insert the matched set after the specified target. | Manip. |
.insertBefore() | Insert the matched set before the specified target. | Manip. |
.is() | Compare the matched set against a specified selector, element, jQuery object or function and return true if any element matches the given arguments. | Filtering |
jQuery.isArray() | **DEPRECATED 3.2** Return boolean dependant upon specified object being JavaScript Array obj. | Utilities |
jQuery.isEmptyObject() | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified object having properties or not. | Utilities |
jQuery.isFunction() | **DEPRECATED 3.3** Return boolean dependant upon specified obj. being JavaScript Function obj. | Utilities |
jQuery.isNumeric() | **DEPRECATED 3.3** Return boolean dependant upon the specified value being numeric. | Utilities |
jQuery.isPlainObject() | Return boolean dependant upon specified obj. being created as plain JavaScript obj. | Utilities |
jQuery.isWindow() | **DEPRECATED 3.3** Return a boolean dependant upon the specified argument being a window. | Utilities |
jQuery.isXMLDoc() | Return a boolean dependant upon the specified DOM node being within / an XML document XML document. | Utilities |
jQuery() | String containing CSS/jQuery selector with optional context to wrap in jQuery obj. | Core |
.jquery | A string containing the jQuery version number. | Internals |
.keydown() | Bind event handler to JavaScript keydown event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.keypress() | Bind event handler to JavaScript keypress event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.keyup() | Bind event handler to JavaScript keyup event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
:lang Selector (Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that match the specified language code. | Selectors |
.last() | **DEPRECATED 3.4** Reduce the matched set to the last element. | Filtering |
:last Selector (Last Element Match) | Selects last matched element. | Selectors |
:last-child Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all last child elements of their parent. | Selectors |
:last-of-type Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that are the last among siblings of the same element name. | Selectors |
.length | The number of elements in the jQuery object. | Internals |
.live() | **REMOVED 1.9** Henceforth, attach an event handler to all elements matching the current selector for the given event type(s). | Events |
.load() | Load data from the server and populate the matched element from the returned HTML on successful completion. | Ajax |
.load() | **REMOVED 3.0** Bind an event handler to the JavaScript load event | Events |
:lt() Selector (Less Than Index Match) | **DEPRECATED 3.4** Select all elements with index less than specified index within the matched set. | Selectors |
jQuery.makeArray() | Return a JavaScript Array object created from an array-like object. | Utilities |
.map() | Pass each element within the current matched set through a function, producing a new jQuery object containing returned values. | Filtering |
jQuery.map() | Return a JavaScript Array object translated from an array or object. | Utilities |
jQuery.merge() | Merge two arrays into the first specified array. | Utilities |
.mousedown() | Bind event handler to JavaScript mousedown event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.mouseenter() | Bind event handler to JavaScript mouseenter event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.mouseleave() | Bind event handler to JavaScript mouseleave event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.mousemove() | Bind event handler to JavaScript mousemove event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.mouseout() | Bind event handler to JavaScript mouseout event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.mouseover() | Bind event handler to JavaScript mouseover event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.mouseup() | Bind event handler to JavaScript mouseup event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
Multiple Attribute Selector[attr="value"][attrn="valuen"] (Multiple Attribute Value Match) | Selects all elements that match all of the specified attribute and value filters. | Selectors |
Multiple Selector("selector1, selector2, selectorn") (Multiple Selector Match) | Selects all elements that match any of the specified selectors. | Selectors |
.next() | Retrieve the immediately following sibling of each element within the matched set. Optional selector filtering available. | Traversal |
Next Adjacent Selector ("previous + next") (Adjacent Sibling Match) | Selects all specifed next sibling elements that are directly preceded by the specified previous sibling element. | Selectors |
Next Siblings Selector ("previous ~ siblings") (General Sibling Match) | Selects all specified sibling elements that follow after the specified previous element and have the same parent. | Selectors |
.nextAll() | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set. Optional selector filtering available. | Traversal |
.nextUntil() | Retrieve all following siblings of each element within the matched set, up to but not including the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object specified. | Traversal |
jQuery.noConflict() | Unassign jQuery control of $ variable and optionally jQuery namespace as well. | Core |
jQuery.noop() | Used to pass around an empty function. | Utilities |
.not() | Compare the matched set against a specified selector, element, jQuery object or function and return elements that don't match the given arguments. | Filtering |
:not() Selector (Negation Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that do not match the given selector(s). | Selectors |
jQuery.now() | **DEPRECATED 3.3** Shorthand for getting the current time. | Utilities |
:nth-child() Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that are the nth-child of the specified parent. | Selectors |
:nth-last-child() Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that are the nth-child of the specified parent, counting from the last element to the first. | Selectors |
:nth-last-of-type Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that are the last among siblings of the same element name, counting from the last element to the first. | Selectors |
:nth-last-of-type Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that are the nth among siblings of the same element name. | Selectors |
:odd Selector (Odd Numbered Index Match) | **DEPRECATED 3.4** Selects odd elements within the matched set. | Selectors |
.odd() | Reduce the matched set to the odd elements, starting at zero. | Filtering |
.off() | Remove an event handler from the specified events, selectors or previously attached handler function. | Events |
.offset() | Retrieve current coordinates from first element in matched set relative to the document, or set current coordinates in matched set relative to the document. | Props. |
.offsetParent() | Retrieve the closest positioned ancestor element. | Traversal |
.on() | Attach an event handler for the given event type(s), optionally passing a selector and/or an object of data. | Events |
.one() | Add an event handler for an event(s), data or eventObject that will execute a maximum of one times. | Events |
:only-child Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that are the only child of the specified parent. | Selectors |
:only-of-type Selector(Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects all elements that have no siblings of the same element name. | Selectors |
.outerHeight() | Retrieve the currently computed CSS height for the first element in the set of matched elements, including padding, border, and optionally margin. | Props. |
.outerWidth() | Retrieve the currently computed CSS width for the first element in the set of matched elements, including padding, border, and optionally margin | Props. |
jQuery.param() | Create a serialized representation of an array or object, suitable for use in a URL query string or Ajax request. | Ajax |
.parent() | Retrieve the parent of each element within the matched set. Optional selector filtering available. | Traversal |
:parent Selector (Has Children Match) | Select all elements that are the parent of another element, including text nodes. | Selectors |
.parents() | Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set. Optional selector filtering available. | Traversal |
.parentsUntil() | Retrieve the ancestors of each element within the matched set, up to but not including the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object specified. | Traversal |
jQuery.parseHTML() | Parses a string into an array of DOM nodes. | Utilities |
jQuery.parseJSON() | **DEPRECATED 3.0** Return JavaScript Object obj. created from specified well-formed JSON string. | Utilities |
jQuery.parseXML() | Return an XML document created from the parsed string. | Utilities |
:password Selector(Form password pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type password . | Selectors |
.position() | Retrieve the current coordinates from the first element within the matched set, relative to the offset parent. | Props. |
jQuery.post() | Load data from the server, using a POST HTTP request | Ajax |
.prepend() | Insert parameter specified content, to start of each element in the matched set. | Manip. |
.prependTo() | Insert each element in the matched set to the start of the specified content. | Manip. |
.prev() | Retrieve the immediately preceding sibling of each element within the matched set. Optional selector filtering available. | Traversal |
.prevAll() | Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set. Optional selector filtering available. | Traversal |
.prevUntil() | Retrieve all preceding siblings of each element within the matched set, up to but not including the selector, DOM node, or jQuery object specified. | Traversal |
.promise() | Return a dynamically generated Promise that is resolved once all collection bound actions of a certain type have ended. | Deferred |
.prop() | Retrieve or set the value of a property for the first element within the matched set. | Props. |
jQuery.proxy() | **DEPRECATED 3.3** Return a new function with a particular context or set a context for a function. | Events |
.pushStack() | Put a collection of DOM elements onto the jQuery stack. | Internals |
.queue() | Display the function queue to be executed on the matched set. | Effects |
jQuery.queue() | Show or manipulate queue of functions to be executed on matched element. | Utilities |
:radio Selector (Form radio pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type radio . | Selectors |
.ready() | Specify a function to execute when the DOM has fully loaded. | Events |
jQuery.readyException() | Handle synchronously thrown errors that were wrapped in jQuery() functions. | Core |
.remove() | Permanantly Remove the matched set from the DOM. | Manip. |
.removeAttr() | Remove an attribute from each element within the matched set. | Attrib. |
.removeClass() | Remove class(es) from each element within the matched set. | Attrib. |
.removeData() | Remove the specified data that was previously stored. | Utilities |
jQuery.removeData() | Remove the specified data that was previously stored. | Utilities |
.removeProp() | Remove a property from within the matched set. | Props. |
.replaceAll() | Replace the specified target elements with the matched set. | Manip. |
.replaceWith() | Replace each element in the matched set with the specified content. | Manip. |
:reset Selector (Form reset pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type reset . | Selectors |
.resize() | Bind event handler to JavaScript resize event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
:root Selector (Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects the root element of the document. | Selectors |
.scroll() | Bind event handler to JavaScript scroll event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
.scrollLeft() | Retrieve current horizontal position of scroll bar for first element in matched set or set current horizontal position of scroll bar for each element in matched set. | Props. |
.scrollTop() | Retrieve current vertical position of scroll bar for first element in matched set or set current vertical position of scroll bar for each element in matched set. | Props. |
.select() | Bind event handler to JavaScript select event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
:selected Selector(Form selected pseudo-class match) | Selects all selected elements. | Selectors |
.serialize() | Encode a set of form elements as a string ready for submission. | Ajax |
.serializeArray() | Encode form elements as array of name/value pairs for encoding as JSON string. | Ajax |
.show() | Show the matched set. | Effects |
.siblings() | Retrieve the siblings of each element within the matched set. Optional selector filtering available. | Traversal |
.size() | **REMOVED 1.8** Returns the number of elements in the jQuery object. | D.E.M |
.slice() | Reduce the matched set to a subset of the specified indices range. | Filtering |
.slideDown() | Use a sliding motion to display the matched set. | Effects |
.slideToggle() | Use a sliding motion on the matched set to hide or display it. | Effects |
.slideUp() | Use a sliding motion to hide the matched set. | Effects |
.stop() | Stop execution of the currently running animation on the matched set. | Effects |
jQuery.sub() | **REMOVED 3.0** Create a new copy of jQuery whose values can be altered without affecting the original jQuery object. | Core |
.submit() | Bind event handler to JavaScript submit event/trigger event on named elem. | Events |
:submit Selector (Form submit pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type submit . | Selectors |
jQuery.support | **DEPRECATED 1.9** Collection of properties representing presence of different browser features/bugs. | jQry Obj. |
:target Selector (Structural Pseudo-class Match) | Selects target element indicated by the fragment identifier of the document URI. | Selectors |
.text() | Retrieve all text from the matched set including descendants, or set each element in the matched set to the specified text. | Manip. |
:text Selector (Form text pseudo-class match) | Selects all elements of type text . | Selectors |
.toArray() | Return an array of all the DOM elements contained in the jQuery set. | D.E.M |
.toggle() | Display or hide the matched set. | Effects |
.toggle() | **REMOVED 1.8** Bind event handlers to the matched set that are executed on alternate mouse clicks. | Events |
.toggleClass() | Add or remove class(es) from each element within the matched set. | Attrib. |
.trigger() | Manually fire all event handlers and behaviours on the matched set, for the specified event type. | Events |
.triggerHandler() | Manually fire all event handlers on an element, for the specified event type, optionally passing parameters. | Events |
jQuery.trim() | **DEPRECATED 3.5** Remove whitespace from beginning and end of a string. | Utilities |
jQuery.type() | **DEPRECATED 3.3** Return a string representing the internal JavaScript [[Class]] of an object. | Utilities |
.unbind() | **DEPRECATED 3.0** Unattach a previously bound event handler(s) from the specified elements. | Events |
.undelegate() | **DEPRECATED 3.0** Remove all event handler for all elements matching the specified selector for the given event type(s), based upon a specific set of root elements. | Events |
jQuery.unique() | **DEPRECATED 3.0** Return an array of sorted DOM elements with duplicates removed. | Utilities |
jQuery.uniqueSort() | Return an array of sorted DOM elements with duplicates removed. | Utilities |
.unload() | **REMOVED 1.9** Bind an event handler to the JavaScript unload event | Events |
.unwrap() | Remove parents of matched set from DOM, leaving matched set in their place. | Manip. |
.val() | Retrieve the current value from the first element within the matched set, or set the value of each element within the matched set. | Attrib. |
:visible Selector (Visible Element Match) | Selects all visible elements. | Selectors |
jQuery.when() | Provision to execute callback functions, on Deferred or plain JavaScript objects, based on one or more objects representing asynchronous events. | Core |
.width() | Retrieve the currently computed CSS content width of the first element within the matched or set the CSS content width of every matched element. | Props. |
.wrap() | Wrap a DOM element, HTML string, jQuery object or selector expression around each element in the matched set. | Manip. |
.wrapAll() | Wrap a DOM element, HTML string, jQuery object or selector expression around all elements in the matched set. | Manip. |
.wrapInner() | Wrap a DOM element, HTML string, jQuery object or selector expression around the content of each element in the matched set. | Manip. |