object constructorS2C Home « Globals « Number
In JavaScript you create a number instance using the constructor Number
Creates a wrapper object for use with numerical values.
- Can be used in a non-constructor context for type conversion.
Signature | Description |
var aNumber = new Number(value); | Creates a wrapper object for use with numerical values. |
Parameter | Description |
value | A numerical value.
Class Properties
Class Property | Description |
MAX_VALUE | Maximum positive number value that can be represented in JavaScript. |
MIN_VALUE | Minimum positive number value that can be represented in JavaScript. |
NaN | JavaScript Not-A-Number value. |
NEGATIVE_INFINITY | JavaScript value representing negative infinity. |
POSITIVE_INFINITY | JavaScript value representing positive infinity. |
prototype | Enables property assignment to objects of type Number . |
Instance Properties
Instance Property | Description |
constructor | Returns a reference to the Number function that created the prototype. |
Class Methods
Instance Methods
By using methods of the Number
object we can also access elements of numbers, manipulate numbers after creation and even create new numbers from existing numbers.
Instance Method | Description |
Getter (Accessor) MethodsThese methods DO NOT modify the Number object |
toExponential() | Returns a string representation of the number in exponential notation. |
toFixed() | Returns a string representation of the number in fixed-point notation. |
toLocaleString() | Returns a string representation of the number using locale specific notation. |
toPrecision() | Returns a string representation of the number to the specified precision in fixed-point or exponential notation. |
toString() | Returns a string representation of the numeric value. |
valueOf() | Returns the primitive value of the Number object. |
Setter (Mutator) MethodsThese methods DO modify the Number object |
None. |
// Create an array with some class properties.
var classProps = new Array(5);
classProps[0] = Number.MAX_VALUE;
classProps[1] = Number.MIN_VALUE;
classProps[2] = NaN;
classProps[3] = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
classProps[4] = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Related Tutorials
JavaScript Advanced Tutorials - Lesson 3 - Number