lastIndexOf()  String  instance method getterS2C Home  « Globals « String « lastIndexOf()


Returns the index value for the last occurence of the specified string from the specified starting index.

  • Returns -1 if the specified string value is not found.


Signature Description
aString.lastIndexOf(searchValue[, fromIndex])Returns the index value for the first occurence of the specified string from the specified starting index.


Parameter Description
searchValueA string value.
fromIndexAn integer between 0 and length of the string that defaults to the length of the string.
  • If this parameter is specified the string is searched backwards from this point to index 0.


The code below creates a repeating string and searches backwards through it as both the searchValue and fromIndex parameters are specified.

// Create alphabet string variable.
var repeatingString = 'abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef';

// Return index of last occurrence of search string.
alert(repeatingString.lastIndexOf('ab', 14));

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Related Tutorials

JavaScript Basic Tutorials - Lesson 8 - Strings

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