event.timeStampS2C Home « Objects « event.timeStamp

Event timeStamp property.


The event.timeStamp Event object property, contains the value of the DOM element, or descendant thereof, that initiated the event.

  • Can be used to monitor event performance by comparing the difference of the event.timeStamp value at different points in the code.
  • To determine the current time inside an event handler, use the Date.now() class method instead.


Signature Description
event.timeStampThe value of the difference in milliseconds between the creation of this event by the browser and UTC (January 1, 1970).




A Number object.

event.timeStamp ExampleTop

Contains the value of the difference in milliseconds between the creation of this event by the browser and UTC (January 1, 1970).

When we click the button below twice or more a message is output displaying the elapsed time in milliseconds since the last click.

  var prev, elapsed;
  $('#btn7').on('click', function(event) {
    if ( prev ) {
      elapsed = event.timeStamp - prev;
      $('#div5').append('Elapsed time since last event: ' + elapsed + ' milliseconds.<br/ >');
    prev = event.timeStamp;

div5. Some initial text.

Press the button below to action the above code: