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In the HTML5 Basic Tutorials - Lesson 4 - Text Tags lesson we took an initial look at text tags.

In this lesson we take a final look at text tags when we we learn about the <code>, <kbd>, <samp>, <sub> and <sup> tags.

The Computer Code Fragment Element

The <code> tag and its' closing </code> tag are used to define computer code within our text.

The Keyboard Entry Element

The<kbd> tag and its' closing </kbd> tag are used to define text to be entered by the user within our text.

The Sample Output Code Fragment Element

The <samp> tag and its' closing </samp> tag are used to define a sample output code fragment within our text.

The Subscript Element

The <sub> tag and its' closing </sub> tag are used for defining subscript text.

Use the CSS vertical-align property for more control.

The Superscript Element

The <sup> tag and its' closing </sup> tag are used for defining superscript text.

Use the CSS vertical-align property for more control.

Creating A Webpage

Lets create a webpage for our text tags to see what they do!

  1. HTML Editor

    1. Open up your HTML editor or text editor, which in my case is Notepad++.
    2. Open a document if required.
    3. Copy and paste the following code into the document.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Using the code, kbd, samp, sub and sup HTML tags -->
    <html lang="en">
          More Text Tags
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <h2>More Text Tags</h2>
        <h3>The Code Tag</h3>
        <p>A void return Java Method Signature. <code>void foo() {} </code></p>
        <h3>The Keyboard Input Tag</h3>
        <p>Type <kbd>Fried Green Tomatoes</kbd> and press the Enter key.</p>
        <h3>The Sample Output Code Fragment Tag</h3>
        <p>System.out.println("Sample Output Code"); <samp>Sample Output Code</samp></p>
        <h3>The Subscript Tag</h3>
        <p>Normal text <sub>This text appears lower on line.</sub> Normal text.</p>
        <h3>The Superscript Tag</h3>
        <p>Normal text <sup>This text appears higher on line.</sup> Normal text.</p>
  2. Saving the document

    Save the file as moretexttags.html

    save more text tags
    Screenshot 1. Saving the moretexttags.html HTML file.
  3. View Page in Web Browser

    Either navigate to the location you saved the moretexttags.html file to and double click the file. This will take you to the page in your default web browser, or from your web browser click File --> Open File and navigate to the file and open it.

    After doing either of these you should see a similar webpage in your browser to the following screenshot:

    view more text tags
    Screenshot 2. Viewing the moretexttags.html HTML file.

    As you can see from the screenshot the image shows the various text alterations for each HTML tag.

    Although the <code>, <kbd> and <samp> tags output text style looks the same you should still ensure you use each tag in the right context for correctness and future proofing.

    The <sub> and <sup> tags place text lower and higher on the line respectively.

Lesson 3 Complete

In this lesson we finished off our review of the text tags available in HTML.

Related Tutorials/Quizzes

HTML5 Basic Tutorials - Lesson 4 - Text Tags

HTML More Text Tags Quiz

What's Next?

We finish off our investigation of formatting tags.

HTML5 Reference

The <code> computer code fragment tag

The <kbd> eyboard entry tag

The <samp> sample output code fragment tag

The <sub> subscript tag

The <sup> superscript tag